Page 9 of Nights At Sea

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Most of the things here I normally don’t wear. I’m all for comfort, ideally with style, but it’s not a prerequisite.

There’s a distinct lack of pants. Not a single pair of trousers, jeans, or shorts are in sight anywhere, let alone a pair of yoga pants. At home, I live in those.

Oh God, listen to me. A hostage bitching about the wardrobe when other abductees end up in shallow graves. What’s wrong with me?!

One thing is becoming clear, though. My kidnapping wasn’t spontaneous, but well planned ahead of time.

There’s a knock on the door, and a moment later Mariella enters the room with a shy smile on her face.

Before she can say anything, I ask, “Mariella, do you know what happened to my luggage?”

She shakes her head, looking a bit frightened again. “I not know,” she replies quietly.

“Right… could you please find out where it is and bring it to me. I would like my own clothes.”

“But… but,” she stammers. “Everything you need is there. Everything is new…just for you,” she says in her heavily accented English.

She looks at me as if I’d grown two heads. I get she doesn’t understand why I’m upset, but all I want is my stuff. I want to wear what makes me, me… to help me stay strong for whatever lays ahead.

I want to yell at her and demand,“Bring me my things NOW.”But I catch myself, remembering that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. She seems frightened of me already. God knows why.

“Please, Mariella. Just get my things for me,” I say as calmly as I can.

She nods, looking uneasy, and leaves the room.

A little while later, Mariella returns. “I’m sorry. Boss said no,” she apologizes, shuffling from foot to foot, not daring to look at me. “Please come. Signor Barroni wants talk to you. I wait by door.” With a little scared nod in my direction, she turns and leaves.

Who is Signor Barroni?

I haven’t heard the name before. Is he my kidnapper?

So Tiero didn’t do it. Relief fills me before fear floods my body. My stomach churns, and the delicious omelet from earlier is threatening to make a reappearance.

What does this Signor Barroni want with me?

I’m not sure I want to leave this room. But I need to find out why I’m here.

Was it Shakespeare who said“Assume a virtue if you have it not”? Well, right now, I need to assume bravery and courage, because I don’t possess an ounce of them.

With a deep, steadying breath in and a slow exhale out, I will my racing heart to slow.

I glance around at the opulent range of clothes. Rummaging through the drawers, I pick a black lacy bra and matching undies and then choose a relatively simple blue, shirt dress with pockets to wear. I place a thin brown leather belt around my waist, so the dress isn’t too baggy. Brown ballerina flats seem my best choice to complete the outfit.

I avoid all shoes with heels. Should the opportunity for escape arise, I want to be able to run. And the dress pockets will hide the butter knife I hid from breakfast.

I check myself one last time in the full-length mirror.

You can do this!You are brave and courageous.

As promised, Mariella is patiently waiting by the door. When she sees me, she gives me a thin smile and gestures for me to follow her.

Why does this girl look so scared? Is she afraid of this Signor Barroni? Surely she wouldn’t be afraid of me?

We walk through the vast house, and I notice too late I didn’t pay attention to what’s around me, too caught up in my own thoughts. We step outside into the sunshine. It looks like another perfect day in paradise. I wish I could enjoy it but who could under the circumstances?

Mariella leads the way through perfectly manicured gardens lined with colorful flower beds. I’d normally stop and smell the roses… but what’s been normal since I got in that car?

We reach the edge of the property, and the vast expanse of the Mediterranean Sea is laid out before me. Edged high on top of a cliff, the view is perfect.
