Page 92 of Nights At Sea

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More shouting.

From my position in the backseat, I see the driver slumping low to take cover, then opening his door slightly to fire his gun.

The sound is deafening.

The next moment, his door flies open, and his body jolts three times as bullets riddle him.

I watch it all unfold around me, still strangely detached, as if watching a movie.

I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see any more.

I just want to go home. I want my ma and da.

My eyes open again in panic when large hands grab my legs and pull me toward the car door. I’m ready to kick when I realize who it is.


I immediately relax.

His hands are around my legs and upper body in an instant, lifting me gently against his body. I’m trembling all over, having difficulties drawing in breath through my nose.

“I’ve got you, angel. You’re safe now,” he whispers over and over again, as if not only to soothe me but also to reassure himself.

There’s shouting in the background, but the gunfire has ceased. One of Gualtiero’s cars pulls up, and a soldier opens the back door.

Tiero carefully lowers me onto the seat and then pulls out a pocketknife to cut my ties. My feet and hands are numb from being bound so tight. Then he rips the tape off my mouth with one fast swipe. It stings, and I cry out in pain but I don’t really care.

I launch myself into Tiero’s waiting arms and hold on tight, sobs erupting from deep in my chest.

His arms come around me just as firmly. He lifts me onto his lap and rocks me back and forth, one hand on my head, the other flat against the center of my back. His hold grows tighter, and he’s probably imagining what could have happened if he hadn’t turned up in time.

Tiero kisses the top of my head over and over, and I close my eyes, enjoying the comfort of his embrace. After a while, he pulls away from me, taking my face into his hand, his fingers caressing my cheeks. I flinch when he touches the area that’s tender and swollen.

Tiero’s face turns murderous. “They hit you,” he states more than asks, and I nod. His eyes pinch together in rage. “If they weren’t already dead, they would be now.” And I know he means it. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“I don’t think so,” I reply quietly, still holding onto Tiero’s body to anchor me to the here and now.

He’s really here. He got to me in time. He saved me.

Tiero studies me for a few moments, his face turning soft again as our eyes connect. He pulls my face to his, and his lips take mine gently. I taste the relief in his kiss.

The chaos around me recedes, and for a few precious seconds, it’s just Tiero and me.

I melt into the kiss as Tiero’s lips softly and lovingly tell me how much I mean to him.

Way too soon, he pulls away, and I realize how much I’ve missed this… missed having him so close.

“Dario and Roberto will take you back to the house. I have to take care of a few things before I join you,”Tiero says, bringing me back to the present.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I scream, clinging to him. “Don’t leave. It’s too dangerous.”

He’s trying to loosen my grip on him, but I don’t let go.

“Angel, listen to me. Nothing will happen to me, but this has to be dealt with. You’re safe now,” Tiero tries to reassure me.

“You don’t know that!” I shout hysterically. “They might attack this car. And you can’t know that nothing is going to happen to you.”

I’m beside myself with fear, my body shaking uncontrollably.
