Page 13 of A New Dawn

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“Why would you do that?” I whisper, somewhat in shock.

Aiden leans forward, tucking a loose strand of my short locks behind my ears. The gesture is disturbingly intimate, even more so than if he kissed me. My breath halts before resuming an erratic rhythm.

Wait, why am I thinking about kissing?

I swallow the lump in my throat as my stomach tumbles like a clothes dryer.

“It seemed to calm you a little at the resort. You’re nervous about something and I thought it might help you feel better.”

This is one of the sweetest things a stranger has ever done for me—I melt.

Tears well up in my eyes until they tip over.

“Your tears are from both eyes,” Aiden observes, his voice so tender. “Happiness and pain?”

I swallow hard. Yes, happiness and pain.

Happiness that there is such a kindhearted, caring soul out there; and pain… pain that there’s this closeness to him, but I will never be able to act on it.

Aiden takes my face gently into his hands and wipes away the tears with the lightest of touches. “Please, don’t cry, Sunshine,” he says, his voice low and husky.

That somehow breaks the spell, and I hiccup a little laugh. “Sunshine?” I ask.

“Yes. Sunshine. I have a feeling you bring it to people in spades.”

The sincerity in his voice takes me by surprise. He’s not trying to sweet-talk me. My gut tells me, he means every word.

I stare at him open-mouthed as my heart does a little jump before returning to a dizzying pitter patter beat.

I’m in so much trouble.

Chapter Four


Isipmylicoricetea as I stare out of the window. Aiden was right. The familiar taste and scent help me compose myself.

So much for Trina’s instruction to give up predictable habits. Not sure I want to live without this tea. It’s soothing on so many levels. I might just have to drink it from a sports drink bottle.

Neither Aiden nor I have said a word since take off. He’s currently typing on his phone. I wonder who he’s texting. Does he have a girlfriend or a wife? I glance at his right hand. No ring.Phew.

Why am I relieved about it?

He could still have a girlfriend. But would he have been so flirty and called me Sunshine if he had? He strikes me as the loyal type, not a player. I watch him as his fingers swipe over the screen. I wonder what other things these fingers could do.

Not again, Ella! Shut it down. Now!

Aiden’s eyes lift from the screen and find mine, a warm smile teasing his lips. A blush warms my cheeks, but I don’t look away. I have a few questions that have been plaguing me ever since he handed me the bag at the airport.

“What exactly has Gary told you about me?” I ask, getting straight to the point. I’m in no mood for small talk.

Aiden turns more serious and regards me for a few long seconds before answering. “Not much. Only that you’re a new employee and that he wanted me to pick you up in Halifax and get you to Atlanta as low-key as possible. That’s a little unusual. It made you sound more like a client than someone working for us.”

I can understand that. I know little about Freemont Security, but I suspect all the staff there are highly trained and independent and don’t need a chaperone for a simple trip from Canada to the United States.

“Naturally, my interest was piqued, but Gary wouldn’t go into detail other than that you’ll be working with our canine unit part-time and help in the office. I take it you’ve worked with dogs before?”

The air around Aiden has changed. It’s still friendly, but it’s like he’s switched to work mode and is on a fact-finding mission.
