Page 48 of A New Dawn

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Best not to think about it now. Thankfully, Christmas is still over two months away and lots can happen in a short period, as I’ve proven over the last few weeks.

When we reach the street, I’m doubly glad Helen suggested a jacket. There’s a chilly breeze, making me button up my jacket quickly when another wave of nausea hits.

God, this is awful timing. Let’s hope I’m not going to barf. This is not how I imagined telling my new boss about my condition.

The pressure in my chest grows, and sweat is beading on my forehead. Everything is beginning to tingle. Is this another panic attack?

Argh. My body really seems to have a mind of its own.

Suddenly, my legs feel like giving out and my pulse skyrockets. The next moment, I have a sense of falling. Then darkness.

My eyes feel like they’re glued together as I hear my heartbeat hammering in my ears.

“Has she been shot?” a female voice asks.


“Call an ambulance. We need to get her checked out,” a male voice says.

It sounds an awful lot like my new boss.

Oh, please don’t tell me I fainted in front of my new boss. Way to go to make a good first or second, or whatever number it is, impression.

I force my eyes open and see Gary and Helen crouched beside me. “I’m fine,” I say, trying to push myself to sitting, but Gary stops me.

“No, stay right there. An ambulance should be here soon.” I notice Helen’s bag is cushioning my head from the rough pavement.

“I don’t need an ambulance,” I insist. At least I think I don’t. I’m not really sure what happened.

“You hit your head pretty hard. It’s best to get you checked out,” Helen says soothingly.

“Thank you, but I really think I’m okay. It probably was the lack of food or something,” I try to explain.

There’s a little crowd gathered around us, and my cheeks that were pale a minute ago flood with heat in embarrassment.

“It’s all right, darling. The lack of food is probably to blame, but a checkup can’t hurt. Better safe than sorry,” she insists.

God, I hope my job comes with health insurance or I’ll begin my new life in America with a debt. And please God, please still let me have a job after the reason for my fainting is revealed.

Shit, Gary must already regret his decision to help me. All I bring to this party is more trouble. Nobody in their right mind is going to overlook all of that.

The sound of sirens ring in the distance, and I want to protest again. But the stern look on Gary’s face makes me stop. If I wasn’t laying down, I’d want to straighten up and salute him.

“I’ll ride with you and take care of the paperwork. Don’t worry about anything, okay? It’s probably the stress of the past few weeks catching up with you,” Gary offers.

I nod and close my eyes again. “Riley, please keep your eyes open. I need to know you’re still with us and not badly concussed.”

It’s a fair enough request, though, I would much rather close my eyes and not see all the onlookers.

The ambulance eventually pulls up on the curb and two paramedics jump out and head over to our little huddle.

They check my vitals and, despite my ongoing protests, agree with Gary to take me to hospital for further testing.

I don’t need it, I want to say.I’m just pregnant. But I remain quiet and let them lead me into the ambulance.

As promised, Gary is coming with me, sitting in a chair next to me.

I should tell him now. It’s the perfect opportunity. But he’s chatting with the ambulance driver, and I don’t want to interrupt.
