Page 80 of A New Dawn

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“Yeah, we do. It’s perfect for strength and endurance. Want to join us?” he asks as he pulls his shirt back on. What a shame.

“I’ll come and watch,” I suggest, grinning from ear to ear.

Aiden takes my arm and moves us to a quieter corner of the bar, reaching over and grabbing more bottles of water. He uncaps one and hands it to me. “Best to stay hydrated, after all your drooling,” he teases. I stick my tongue out at him as I take a seat on one of the barstools.

“Fun scientific fact… did you know that water helps regulate blood pressure?”

Really?! In that case, I need to drink a few more bottles, because even the little touch to my elbow had my pulse speed up.

“How?” I ask, my curiosity piqued. I like our little random facts game.

“Staying adequately hydrated keeps a healthy amount of blood flow to the kidneys. In chronic states of dehydration,your kidneys will sense a decrease in perfusion and secrete a hormone called renin as a compensatory mechanism to maintain their blood flow. Now renin triggers a cascade of hormones that ultimately leads to constriction of blood vessels and higher blood pressure to increase perfusion to vital organs.”

I look at him a little gobsmacked. “How do you come across these morsels of information normal people don’t know about? Do you Google random facts about hydration?”

“Yeah, actually, I did. I was really dehydrated after one mission and wanted to learn what that does to my body. You know my body is my temple. So I need to look after it,” he says, smirking.

Oh, good lord. His body is his temple…. And what a temple it is. I’m about ready for worship.

A change of subject is needed. And fast!

I clear my throat and let my gaze wander over the smiling faces of Aiden’s friends. Everyone is so relaxed—joyous laughter heard everywhere.

“Thank you for bringing me here today. It’s so nice to be surrounded by happy people.”

Aiden’s gaze wanders over the party too, and a smile plays on his lips.

Oh no, don’t look at his lips again.

I purposefully turn my head to avoid the temptation. My gaze falls onto the tap handle, and I cock my head to the side to get a better view. “That beer keg tap handle… is that a bobcat?”

“It sure is. The one next to it is a bulldog. Axel used to have one just like it when he was little.”

“I’ve never seen tap handles like it. Where did you find these?”

“The internet is a marvelous place,” he says, grabbing my hand and giving it a tug as he stands. “Come with me. I’ll show you something.”

My body stiffens at his touch, the energy buzzing stronger when we’re skin to skin. I hesitate. Do I want to go anywhere with him? I’m not sure I trust myself.

He looks at me, surprised at my reluctance. “You know you’re safe with me,” he says with a knowing smirk. My stomach flutters. I so am not.

“We’ve got a cool collection of beer tap handles. I want to show you,” he explains.

“Sure… is this like the stamp collection in the old days? Or your CD collection?”

That makes Aiden chuckle. “Are you afraid I’m going to seduce you?”

I don’t answer. If I’m wrong, I look like an idiot. ButamI wrong?

Aiden steps closer, and for a moment, I forget how to breathe. My gaze is locked with his as he bends and speaks softly into my ear. “If I wanted to seduce you, I wouldn’t do it while we were in the middle of a party. I’d want to take my sweet time with you. Savor every inch… repeatedly.”

Good lord, have mercy. Can any woman stay cool when confronted with this? I’m burning up… help!

I mentally throw a bucket of ice water over myself and take a step back to put some distance between us. Aiden gives me a cheeky wink, enjoying my discomfort.

Oh, the bastard is toying with me. But two can play this game. I bite my lip as I lower my eyes and then slowly look back up at him. Aiden’s eyes are riveted on me. Swallowing hard, he adjusts the belt on his pants.

Ha, I’m affecting him too. I can’t hide my triumphant smirk. I might not have a lot of experience seducing anyone, but I’ve watched Rhia in action and learned a thing or two from the master.
