Page 89 of A New Dawn

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Thecarpullsintoa deserted dairy farm in Lichtenstein. Of all the places in Europe, this is the last place I expected Molinaro to be, but it’s where the coward has been holed up for two days.

For the last five days, we’ve been chasing the asshole all over Switzerland, igniting my fury when he evaded us twice by the skin of his teeth. Was Mauro really the only mole?

Three of my soldiers in Italy have disappeared without a trace. Coincidence? Of course not.

They happen to be the men who I separated and transferred from my Sicilian compound to different parts of Italy after Ella overheard them discussing a plot against me.

They thought they were safe speaking German, never realizing Ella could understand every word. That made it a snack to identify them, I should have killed the fuckers then and there.

Their bodies have yet to be found. Was it Molinaro or an inside job? I’m going to get answers to that question and many more.

As Fabio maneuvers us down the bumpy driveway, trying to avoid the worst potholes, I stare down my chest and at the lion tie-pin Ella gave me. I put it on every day. It’s my reminder of her. A piece of her… the only piece I have left. That and her three puppies—Brownie, Milk, and Oreo.

I tasked Mariella to take photos of them every few days. When I have Ella back, I want to show her how quickly they grew.

As the car comes to a stop, I rub the lion’s head.This is for you, my angel.To ensure Molinaro will never get to you again. I will do anything in my power to keep you safe, even from afar.

Mateo and I step out of the car, and I do up the button on my suit jacket as I look around.

“This place is a shit hole,” I say to my brother, taking in the dilapidated buildings and muddy fields.

“Yes, the opposite of his fancy mansions. But he hasn’t had much choice now, has he? His options are limited outside of Italy. But it suits him, a turd among the cow shit.”

Yes, it does. We killed his Swiss contacts who could have helped him disappear, and with only a few soldiers by his side, he’s been a sitting duck. He sent those off in different directions to confuse us, but all that achieved was to get them killed and to make himself more vulnerable.

“And it all ends today.” Mateo grins at me, but I’m too pissed to smile. I haven’t in weeks; there’s nothing to smile about. Instead, I’ve been at the bottom of a big, dark hole.

That has been useful, though. I’ve been housekeeping, getting rid of opponents who should have been disposed of long ago. Molinaro is the last one standing. But, as Mateo pointed out, today is his unlucky day.

My brother has been with me every step of the way. As my underboss, he’s second in command, and together we rule well.

Letting my fury run wild has been liberating. I’m taking back control of my life, something I should have done the moment Molinaro became a problem. But for reasons I can’t even remember now, I let it slide.

Before Molinaro will die, though, he will writhe in pain—payback for the suffering he caused my family.

Avenging my father’s death is long overdue, but now with Ella… I will not risk him getting to her—ever.

Two of his heirs have been taken out as well, leaving only his youngest son, who turned fourteen a few months ago, as his heir. And he’s too young to be taken seriously. The fight over Molinaro’s territory will start shortly, but my capos are ready and poised to take over, eliminating anyone who opposes us.

We enter the main building, as the lifeless bodies of Molinaro’s soldiers are lugged to a corner. The sight of them leaves me cold. They should have picked a better side.

Then Molinaro himself is dragged into the room, his right eye swollen shut, and he’s bleeding from his nose.

“I see you’ve made Santino’s acquaintance,” I say coldly as I plant my feet wide apart.

My hands clench into fists by my side as I watch him struggle against the hold Santino and Antonio have on his arms. He’s kicking out like a toddler throwing a tantrum, his eyes searching the room for a weapon.

There is none to be found, fuckhead. God, he’s pathetic.

His gaze lands on the pile of his dead soldiers, but no emotion registers on his face. I hope he’s realizing his predicament. There’s no one left to help him. He’s as good as dead.

Just the sight of this asshole brings back every aspect of my rage. Adrenaline rushes through my body and my fingers twitch.

I’ve waited for this moment so long.

I will enjoy every single second of beating him to a pulp. This fucker has messed with me for the last time.
