Page 8 of Family Plans

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“Yes, please. Just put them on the trivets. We have green pea ragout, potatoes au gratin, and lasagna with spinach.”

“Oh my Lord, these dishes smell heavenly. Mrs. Hall, why didn’t I meet you sooner?” he joked.

She burst out laughing. “Call me Teresa, please. While Erin is changing the babies and getting ready herself, I’ll serve the children. Can you get the milk from the fridge?”

“Sure.” He opened the fridge, reached for the milk, and frowned at the sight of the shelves and drawers—too much empty space and not much variety here, only a few apples, a loaf of bread... No wonder Erin worked long hours and exhausting shifts.

Teresa filled the children’s plates, and Tim poured the milk.

“You know, Tim, it doesn’t take time to cook a good meal. Let me know when you can come again for lunch, and I’ll prepare something special.”

“Nothing special, just simple healthy food, considering I’ve been living on restaurant food…which gives me an idea. Teresa, I could buy the ingredients for a week’s worth of meals. You could cook for us all at the same time. I’ll stop by, take my share, and you keep yours.” Maybe he could alleviate Erin’s financial burden while taking better care of his own health.

Teresa peered at him. “Are you serious? You want me to cook for you?”

“I didn’t mean to offend you—”

“Not at all, I’m quite honored. I love cooking.”

“You’d let me eat healthy foods and avoid an early heart attack.” He offered her a pleasant smile.

“God forbid. All right. I’ll have a list for you. We’ll have to share the expenses.”

“Not the first week. Just text me a detailed list. Assume this first week is a trial run. No need to trouble Erin with it. She has too much on her mind.”

Teresa’s eyes misted. “You’re a good man, Tim. Thank you.”

“Here’s Mommy,” young Becky called.

Looking the professional nurse in her blue scrubs, white rubber shoes, her hair pulled to the back, Erin came down, struggling to keep two wriggling worms from sliding out of her arms.

Tim burst out laughing and bounced off his chair scaling the steps toward her. “Can I take one?”

“Be my guest. They’re doing their best to try and roll down the stairs.”

He snatched a giggling baby and held him under his arm. The other threw himself at him. Chuckling, Tim grabbed him before he fell and set him on his hip.

“Da, da, da,” the twins screamed and the other kids hooted.

“Wait! This deserves a picture.” Teresa snapped a photo on her phone.

“Email it to me, please. I’d love to have it,” Tim said.

Erin set her babies in their high chairs on either side of her own, and somehow managed to swallow her food in a few minutes, while feeding them, chatting with the other kids, and complimenting her mother on a delicious dinner.

“Sorry, but I have to go.” She sighed. “There’s this meeting I can’t avoid.” She toured the table, hugging and kissing each child. “David, I’m so proud of you. I promise I won’t miss your game. Rachelle, sweetie, you help Becky with her pjs and read her a story. Debbie, your grades are amazing. You keep up the good work. Mom, don’t try to wait for me. I may work two extra hours. Nat and Ethan, I count on you not to drive Granny crazy. Here are your bottles.” She gave the babies each a noisy smooch on their chubby cheeks. “Tim, thank you so much.”

“Don’t I get one?” he joked, tapping his cheek with the tip of his finger.

She laughed and kissed his cheek.

He turned his head toward her, captured her gaze, and had to struggle not to pull her into his arms. “Have a good evening, Erin. Things will improve soon.”

No one had noticed the awkward moment, not Teresa too busy keeping the twins’ small hands out of mischief, and none of the children, but Erin froze, her indigo eyes wide open, fixed on him, burning with desire, immediately replaced by shock.

Without another word, she spun and left through the kitchen door as Tim stared at her back and berated himself for betraying Annette, if only for a second.

Chapter Three
