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She had always enjoyed the simple things in life, and a large wedding with the whole clan there would have made her uncomfortable.

“Edna?” Ronin called out as he walked towards her.

“Yes?” she asked with a smile.

“May I claim my first dance?” he asked and Edna couldn’t help but laugh.

“We don’t have any music!” she exclaimed; looking around the forest. The sky was slowly darkening and she knew it would be time to leave soon.

“I’ll sing for you,” Ronin replied and extended his hand towards her. Edna placed her hand in his and stood up as he gathered her in his arms.

She couldn't have wished for a more perfect ending to their wedding festivities. The sky above her had turned a lovely shade of pink, and the man holding her was singing her a lovely love song. His eyes were filled with hope for their future together. She knew she had made the right decision as she danced with him and listened to the lyrics he sang. She loved Ronin McKenzie. There was no one else for her.


Once the sun had set completely, Edna knew they had no choice but to finally leave. They had spent a wonderful day together, and her wedding day had been more beautiful than she could have ever imagined or wished for. The real world awaited them and they had to leave the safety of the forest.

“I think we should leave now,” Edna said and everyone nodded in acknowledgment and went quiet for a few seconds. She was certain that they all shared the same thoughts; each one of them had needed this escape, to get away from everyone else for a day and simply be happy with the people that loved them.

"Lachlan, we might have to stop at Edna's house — see if Freya is well, tell her ofour marriage.Will you accompany the girls?" Ronin asked.

"Of course," Lachlan said confidently.She was certain that Lachlan had not agreed to be a part of this wedding lightly, but the way he had warmed up to her and her friends throughout the day overjoyed her.

They all walked back to Edna's house, lost in their own thoughts. Edna quickly took the flowers out of her hair as they walked, not wanting her mother to inquire about them.

She had promised the pastor that she would tell her mother. The prospect had not seemed so frightening before, but Edna was now terrified. She had no idea how shewould react to the news that her only daughter was secretly marrying the son of the man who had murdered her husband. Shehad made friends with the enemy.

“Why are you taking out the flowers? They looked beautiful!” Ronin said.

“If we dinnae tell mother about the wedding tonight, I dinnae want her tae ask any questions,” Edna confessed.

“Your hair loose and flowing is—you look divine,” Ronin said softly.

“Ye are just in love with me and that is why I always look beautiful tae ye,” Edna replied with a shrug of her shoulders as she turned to look at Ronin with a charming smile.

“That might also be true,” he laughed. Bantering with him, arguing with him, just sitting peacefully and having a meaningful conversation with him were quickly becoming the highlights of her day.

Ronin was now the source of her joy. When a person feels as deeply for their partner as she did for Ronin, they unconsciously base their happiness on them. They are unable to keep it to themselves, which frequently leads to their downfall. When Edna looked at Ronin, she knew he would never hurt her. He cared too much. Edna looked up as they got closer to her house. She quickly hugged all of her friends.

“Thank ye for being here and making this day special. I couldn’t have done this without the three of ye beside me,” Edna said; holding their hands.

“Don’t be silly. Ye ken, we are here for ye,” Laura said.

“Ye two take care of yerselves as well and Ronin, I am thrilled that Edna found someone as loving as ye,” Jana added.

“And ye better keep taking care of her because she has three friends who won’t think twice before coming after ye if ye hurt her,” Kathy added and they all laughed.

“I wouldn’t dream of hurting her,” Ronin replied; taking her in his arms as she melted into his embrace. Ronin turned towards Lachlan. “I will meet you back at the castle.”

Edna turned back to Ronin and hugged him again. His hands snaked around her waist, and her head was safely ensconced in the crook of his neck. She sighed deeply and felt an unrivaled sense of peace. The world around her faded away, and it was just her and Ronin in that moment. When she was in his arms, nothing else mattered.

“Ready?” Ronin asked.

“I will see how mother is doing. If she is fine, I will call ye inside. If not… I will meet you out here. Alright?” she said.

She turned around and walked the short distance back to her house. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she braced herself for what was to come in the next few minutes. She knocked on the door but received no response. She knocked again, and this time she heard footsteps approaching. When her mother opened the door, Edna noticed that she appeared tired and weary.

“Mother, are ye alright?” Edna asked.
