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“I should be the one thanking you. You make everything better, Edna. I need nothing more than you. Your love heals my heart,” he said.

“I will always choose ye,” she whispered.

“I must get going now. Though I need to ask you a favor,” Ronin said; getting up from the bed and dressing quickly.


"Would you be able to come to the castle tomorrow?I've decided to introduce you to everyone.We can come back here and inform your mother after that," he said and shefelt her heart pound in her chest.

She knew they were going to announce their marriage publicly, but she had no idea Ronin would be so eager to do so thissoon. She was overjoyed and felt like she was falling even deeper in love with him.

“I will be there,” she promised and they hugged.

“I will wait for you. Now I must go, and you should sleep,” he advised. She watched as he turned around and climbed down the window. She stood there till his horse disappeared amongst the trees, and all she could imagine was how perfect tomorrow would be.


Mara had never been more restless. Everything around her seemed to be going in the wrong direction, and for the first time in a very long time, she felt as if she had no control. Ronin was busy doing god knows what, and even Lachlan was being secretive about it. The only thing that gave her peace was the fact that the murder investigation had reached a standstill and had no avenue of advancing forward. Despite that, she was scared. She needed to find the old midwife, but nothing about her whereabouts was coming to the surface.

A sudden knock at the door of her bedchamber startled her, and she turned to look. It was almost midnight. She walked forward and asked, “Who is it?”

“Yer humble servant, my lairdess,” the reply came and she breathed easily. She had been wanting to see him.

She stepped forward and unlatched the door, inviting him in. He was dressed in his customary black cloak that hid him from head to toe. Such precautions were required to keep his identity hidden from everyone who wandered the castle at all hours. The last thing Mara wanted was to be apprehended. She couldn't afford to have her reputation harmed. She was the lairdess, and her image was entirely dependent on how she conducted herself.

“What are ye doing here?” she asked; her tone stern. She wanted him here but she knew she could never show her emotions so.

“I came to deliver news, me lairdess,” he replied softly; keeping his eyes cast downwards.

“Did ye find the midwife? Tell me ye did and I will dazzle ye with rewards,” Mara said enthusiastically. This was all she wished to hear at this point. Finding the old midwife was becoming more and more crucial as the days went by and time grew increasingly short. She did not know what Ronin was up to either, and it scared her immensely that he might stumble upon her secret.

“Nae, me lairdess.” Mara threw her hands up in the air; disapproval evident on her face. This was the one thing she asked of him and he was failing to make it happen.

“Then why did ye come here?” Mara questioned again; trying to keep herself calm and the anger in her voice at bay.

She watched as he sat down on his knees in front of her; his eyes cast downwards, “Forgive me, me lairdess. Nae one kens anything. I think she is dead.”

Mara considered the possibility of the midwife's death and knew it was possible. She had known the woman when she was old. She would be even older now, and the entire clan knew she had been sick for years. She had even retired as a midwife because her bones had weakened.As her mind accepted the possibility, her heart began to calm down.

A person could not simply vanish into thin air. The midwife must be dead. Sheneeded her to be dead because it served her purpose perfectly. The midwife had a secret, a secret that could not be revealed under any circumstances. Perhaps the inability to locate the midwife was a blessing in disguise after all. She paced around her bedroom, her rage finally subsiding.

“Ye are right. I think she is dead too,” Mara confessed and suddenly felt a lot calmer.

Mara quietly made her way towards the bed and sat down. She lifted her hand and signaled with her fingers for him to come forward. She enjoyed watching him crawl towards her. He was a big man, who could overpower and kill her simply by strangling her with his bare hands. The power she held over him though made him weak and meek in front of her. She could bend him to her will so easily. This was the reason she enjoyed power in every form. She loved being dominant over anyone and everyone.

“Come here,” she instructed and he immediately made his way towards her as she spread her legs in open invitation. The sight of him ready to pleasure her and so eager to put his mouth over her drenched womanhood excited her. She knew the sensations that he would give her as he strived to please her would excite her even more, and she waited in anticipation. Soon enough, she wouldn’t feel anything but waves of pure pleasure.

* * *

Ronin knew it was late. He had been returning to the castle in the late hours of the night almost every day now, and it wouldn’t be long before his mother found out and questioned him about it. This behavior, especially when a murderer was on the loose, was not acceptable for the future laird of the clan. He could almost imagine her lecturing him about the safety of their people and his responsibility towards them. He knew she was right, and it was about time he became serious. The position of the laird was waiting for him, and he was ready.

The castle was pitch dark as he stepped inside and he groped his way through the corridors and up the upstairs towards his bedchamber. Just as he pushed open the door, his eyes fell on Lachlan, who was seated on his bed and looking extremely worried. At once Ronin knew something was wrong.

“Where have ye been?” Lachlan questioned urgently.

“I went to see Edna,” Ronin replied truthfully.

“If ye would have been here sooner, ye would have seen it yerself. Though I ken that he is still here and hasn’t left. Ye need tae go see,” Lachlan said; his words coming out worried.
