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She had no intention of showing him how hurt or angry she was, but she felt compelled to step forward and slap him across the cheek. The force of that blow stunned Ronin, and he took a step back, shock visible in his eyes. Edna knew a slap wouldn't make her feel any better, but she did feel liberated.

As everything in her heart crashed and burned, she turned around and walked outside Ronin's bedchamber. She couldn't believe what had just occurred to her. The life she had imagined for herself had vanished. Her happiness and hopes had disappeared in a matter of seconds, and she didn't know if she could ever be happy again. What hurt her the most was that despite everything he had done to her, she still loved Ronin. She would most likely be in love with him for the rest of her life.


Mara watched Edna head towards Ronin’s bedchamber. When Ronin had told her Edna would be at the castle tomorrow, she had not believed it. Though Mara admired the lass’s courage and determination and how she had showed up unafraid, it was evident that she had not come here through the front gate since the guard would have never allowed her to enter. Which meant that she had found another way.

“Poor lass,” Mara sighed, knowing perfectly well that Ronin would break her heart. She had no idea how her son would handle this situation, but she knew he would not let this marriage continue, no matter how much it broke his heart. Mara could see that they loved each other, and for a very short moment, she felt just a little bit guilty about what she had done to them.

Mara also knew that this had been the only way to handle the situation. When Ronin had found her yesterday with her guard, things could have been a disaster. Of course, she was too clever and entirely too smart to let things get out of hand. Even in such a stressful time, she had quite easily molded the situation in her favor and had confused Ronin for life. She had lied to him about him and Edna being brother and sister. The only thing she had ever cared about was maintaining her position as the lairdess. She was not going to let anyone come in her way. She was ready to do whatever it took. A heartbroken Ronin would have no desire to step into the position of laird, so she had gotten rid of the meddling girl and put her son back in his place.

“Now, I just need tae make sure the midwife is dead or else everything I have worked so hard tae achieve could simply crumble,” she whispered to herself before going up the staircase towards her own bedchamber.

She entered the chamber and saw her man laying down on her bed, his eyes shut tightly. She had bandaged him last night to stop any more blood from being lost. She walked to the bed and sat down beside him, reaching out her hand to lovingly stroke his face.

“Me lairdess,” he whispered as he opened his eyes at her touch and looked at her with a pained expression.

“How are ye feeling?” Mara questioned.

“Like I had never been hurt at all,” he replied dramatically and Mara rolled her eyes before poking the wound on his abdomen. A cry of pain escaped his lips and she laughed.

“How about now?”

“Still the same,” the man replied.

“I want ye tae get better as soon as possible because we need to find the midwife and kill her. I cannae risk her being alive any longer, especially after the lies I had to plant in Ronin’s head last night,” Mara whispered and stood up to pace around the bedchamber.

“Lies? What dae ye mean?” the man asked and Mara remembered just how little he knew.

“Oh, ye don’t ken,” Mara said, a smile on her lips as she proceeded to explain him. “I knew I shouldn’t have been so cruel to them, but I had no choice. There was no other way tae break off their bond and get Ronin tae give up his desire for the lairdship.”

"Their marriage will be shattered for nothing if they find out you lied," the man said accusingly. Mara raised an eyebrow at him, as if to inquire if he was challenging her.

“And why dae ye suddenly care so much about them?”

“I dinnae care about them, me lairdess. I was just presenting the possibility,” he replied meekly. She would hate for him to stand against her, especially now when she still needed him to kill the midwife as soon as possible. She was the only person left now who shared her secrets.

“So ye never had an affair with Edna’s father?”

“Nae. That man loved his wife too much tae even look at another woman. He was truly killed for nothing,” Mara confessed.

“Then why don’t ye want for Ronin tae assume the lairdship?”

“Because if I gave up my position, I would lose all the power, and I cannot allow that to happen. I am not going tae give it all up so easily tae my young, gullible son,” Mara answered; not caring if she sounded petty and power-hungry.

“Yes, me lairdess,” he replied obediently. This was why she enjoyed being with him. He never questioned any of her decisions, but simply followed along with her plans. She had always wanted someone so devoted to her, someone who would follow her every command without complaining.

“Now, the lie I told Ronin last night has both distracted and devastated him. Hence, he will nae longer be focusing his energy on what is going on between us. He will also not be interested in finding the murderer anymore, so ye are safe. There is nothing tae worry about any longer. Once the midwife is found and killed, I will be completely safe.”

“What secret is it that ye are trying so hard to protect?” the man asked and Mara turned to look at him once more with a raised eyebrow. He had never asked her so many questions before. Today he seemed unable to stop himself from prying. She wondered what was making him so courageous.

“Who exactly dae ye think ye are tae ask me all these questions?” she asked and he flinched at her harsh tone.

“I apologize, me lairdess. I didnae mean tae offend ye at all,” he quickly said.

“That secret, whatever it is, is safe with me. The only person that kens it other than me is the midwife and soon enough she will be dead. After her, I will be able to rule without any fears,” Mara replied; a smile on her face. She was imagining a safe future for herself where she would be free to do whatever she pleased.

“What dae ye want me tae dae?” the man asked; sitting up in bed. Mara noticed his expression had turned stoic and he was reverting to his old self, the person that did everything for her without any objections or questions. The person who had killed for her earlier and would certainly kill for her again now and whenever she asked.
