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Whatever was there was huge, and all I could see was some big ass black bear charging toward me, starving and ready to tear me apart. Involuntarily, I gave out a startled cry and heard the creature move even faster. I was crying now, my vision becoming blurry.

And then it huffed out, made this deep, rumbling sound that was far too close.

I screamed when I felt something reach out and touch my hair. No way was I going to slow down or look behind me. Fuck that.

“Running only excites me,” I heard it whisper.

I felt my eyes widen. Oh God, it wasn’t an animal. It was a man. He was stalking me, chasing me.

And when I felt something skate down the length of my spine, I screamed again and went down hard, my ankle twisting, my body falling to the side and right down a small drop-off. I lifted my arms to brace myself from the impact as I rolled.

When I landed on the bottom, a harsh breath left me. I was dizzy, my body sore from the fall, and for a moment I couldn't move as I panted. But then I heard twigs snapping far too close for comfort and forced myself to roll onto my back and pushed myself up.

And then I saw what was several feet from me. I crab walked backward as the creature came closer. That wasn’t a man. That wasn't even human.How did it speak, then?

My lungs burned as I hyperventilated.

The creature was wolf-like, but… not. It was some monstrous animal/human hybrid that was plucked out of my damn nightmares.

It came closer, his body hunched over as it walked on all fours.

When the thick trunk of a tree stopped me from retreating, I wanted to scream, to fight back. But I was terrified, unable to move, this cold dread washing over me.

When it was a few feet from me it stopped, the shadows of nightfall shrouding too much of this beast. I could make out its massive body and inhuman head. I could see a longer face and a snout, sharp teeth, and fur covering its entire body.

And then the thing slowly rose to stand on two hind legs, its calves angled like a wolf’s so they looked bent.

It came closer, the ground vibrating from how powerful its steps were. The thing had to be at least seven feet tall, completely covered in fur, with bulging, massive arms, hands that were more like paws and tipped with black claws. It had a thick, furry tail that was moving back and forth, reminiscent of a predator about to pounce.

God… the thing wasnakedand aroused, and what hung between its legs was massive.

“No,” I whispered and shook my head, holding my hands out like that would actually ward it off.

I trailed my gaze up its barreled chest and to its wolf-like face.

Holy shit.

Although it looked like a wolf—werewolf,my mind whispered—it held very clear intelligence behind its dark eyes as it watched me.

“Oh God. Please. Please don’t hurt me.” My voice was whisper-thin. I wasn’t even sure I’d spoken the words aloud. “W-what are you?” It was so close now that all I smelled was this wild scent that clung to it.

Here was this primitive creature crowding me, breathing on me… refusing to give me space. It was going to eat me. I was sure of it. Why else would it be here? What other purpose would it have for me?

“I’m the one that is going to make you mine.”

I shook my head and lashed out, raking my nails along his chest, feeling hard, defined muscle underneath. He was fast as he snapped his paw out and curled it around my wrist, my palm and fingers so tiny compared to his.

I felt my survival instinct rise as I screamed and kick out, but I was like an annoying gnat compared to him, I was sure.

And when he let go of my wrist to grab my ankle, stopping my foot from connecting with the huge thing he had between his legs, I screamed again. But this time it was in fear. Bone-chilling fear.

He stood and started dragging me away like I was a damn sack of potatoes.

I twisted my body, clawing at the ground, dirt digging underneath my nails. Tears made my vision blurry, and then the world turned as he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder.

For a second, the wind left me in a rush when my stomach connected with his shoulder. I lay there, flopping around from his movements.

He picked up speed, forcing me to grip the long, dark fur that covered him and hold on. I sobbed uncontrollably.
