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This creature looked rabid and emaciated. It had white and red foam—the latter color I had to assume was blood—spilling out of the corners of his jaw, and around its discolored teeth. One of its ears was partially missing, and I could see chunks of fur gone, scars covering its flesh underneath.

On instinct, I moved back another step just as Wolf took one forward, keeping his body in front of mine.

The sounds coming from him were ones I’d never heard before. His growls were much harsher, and I knew they were ones of warning.

My heart was thundering, and I knew there was nothing I could do. As strong as I thought I was, as independent as I’d always been in my life, this was something I never even conceived of going up against.

And then, like a crack of lightning and a boom of thunder, the two beasts crashed together.

For as malnourished and sickly as the other animal appeared, he fought just as brutally as Wolf. But what made the entire situation even more terrifying was the way the other beast kept looking at me with his jaw opened wide and his eyes flashing with hunger.

What kind of hunger it was, I didn’t want to find out.

He tried to get to me repeatedly, but before he could get close enough, Wolf locked his jaws and claws into its body and hauled it back.

There was a deafening roar from Wolf before he gripped the other creature and threw him against the nearest tree. Its body cracked against the trunk, the sound coming from it so unnatural it had bile rising in my throat.

It fell to the ground and stayed there unmoving. Optimistically, I hoped this was the end, that in its weakened state it was no match for my Wolf.

When it stayed on the ground, I tentatively moved forward. Wolf stood a few feet from the creature’s body, his chest rising and falling, blood dripping off of his claws from when he tore into the animal.

Slowly, I started making my way toward Wolf, my gaze never leaving the other animal. And then Wolf turned slowly toward me.

“My female,” he said, low and deep and full of relief.

I was about to go running into his arms, needing to hold him and reassure myself we were both safe, but in the next second the other beast hissed out and was off the ground, hauling himself toward Wolf.

Both creatures crashed together, and I screamed as I stumbled back, losing my footing before falling to the forest ground.

It clawed at Wolf, tearing at his chest until I saw dark stains from blood mat his fur. I screamed, but the sound fell on deaf ears and was pointless.

I couldn’t just stand here and let this happen, so I stood and found the largest rock I could pick up.

Without thinking about my safety or how stupid I was currently being going after something that could split me in half, I launched myself at the other creature and brought the rock down on its skull.

It roared out and swiped out, its claws barely missing my flesh as it rendered the material of my shirt that covered my abdomen.

It didn’t stop me from bringing that stone down again and again, right over its boxy skull, until I smelled the metallic tang of blood coating the air.

With one more hard slam of the stone against its skull, the creature fell to the side, the gaping wound on the back of its head so vividly disgusting, I nearly gagged.

The forest ground became saturated with its blood, its lifeless eyes fixated above, unblinking.

I dropped the stone and stumbled back, unable to catch my breath as I stared at Wolf, who was watching me with this eerily calm expression.

He had four long gouges down the front of his chest, but he didn’t seem like it bothered him as he slowly rose, his colossal form towering over mine. His head lowered and his gaze locked on me.

“My fierce female,” he rumbled out, and I shivered, taking a step back, although I wasn’t sure why.

I wasn’t afraid, not of Wolf. Never of him. There was just something in the way he looked at me, in the tone of his voice, that had my blood pumping for a very different reason.

My skin felt tight, tingly, and I took another step back, and one more. He made an indistinct sound deep within his chest and I felt this flash of heat and a rush of adrenaline soar through every part of me.

He stalked forward, his dick growing erect. My mouth dried and my heart raced. And before I knew what was happening, Wolf reached out and grabbed my throat, yanking me forward so he could drag his nose up and down the side of my throat, scenting me.

He pulled back enough to breathe harshly against the shell of my ear, then warned, “run.”

