Page 39 of Only You

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“It’s the only physical exercise that I actually like. I hate running, and I can tolerate walking but I don’t enjoy it. But dancing? It always takes my mind off things. It gives me areleasethat I can’t really explain.”

He nodded along. “I get it. That’s how I feel after working out.”

“We had four different clubs we wanted to visit while we were here. I know I sound like a broken record but…” I sighed. “This was supposed to be the day I flew home. The end of my trip. I thought I would return to Indiana with a new perspective on life, refreshed and rejuvenated. But I feel the same as I did a week ago. I know I should be happy that I’m healthy and safe, but…”

“It’s okay to be disappointed,” Donovan said. “Yeah, shit is crazy right now. But you’re still allowed to be sad over the trip that didn’t happen.”

“You don’t think I’m whining too much?”

He gestured with his wine glass. “All things considered? I think you’re whining the perfect amount. It would be weirdnotto complain about the circumstances.”

“I haven’t heard you complain much,” I said.

“I don’t have much to complain about,” he replied while leaning on the railing. “I’ve got a four-star kitchen and months of food supplies at my disposal. Instead of being stuck in this hotel alone, or with a bunch of assholes, I’m neighbors with a pretty cool girl from Indiana. And she’s gone seven days without yelling at me, which is nice.”

I chuckled and said, “Surely you have something to complain about.”

“Right now? My only complaint is that I’m not dancing with you.”

Before I could respond, Donovan gulped down the rest of his wine and put down his glass. He walked to the edge of the balcony and threw a leg over the railing.

“What are you doing!”

He climbed over the railing until both feet were on the other side, totally open to the ground three stories below. He jumped across to my balcony, clutching the railing with both hands and making the whole structure shake. Then he climbed over until he was standing in front of me.

“I really want to dance with you,” he said. “We’ve been around each other a lot lately. Hell, I even hugged you yesterday. I think this is safe.”

My stomach was a roller coaster of twists and turns. “Okay. If you think so.”

“Besides,” he said, “you said I’m not allowed in your room. But the balcony isoutside. No rules are being broken.”

The upbeat music ended and a slower song began, one with violins and soft reedy sounds. Donovan put his hands on my hips, fingers sliding against the waistline of my jeans. Respectful, but on the edge of doingmore. After a moment I wrapped my arms around him too.

I knew what Donovan’s body looked like. I’d seen him shirtless plenty of times by now, and he’d stripped totally nude this morning. I felt his body against mine when we hugged yesterday. But this was totally different. Donovanheldme against him with strong hands, assertive and commanding, pulling my breasts against his mile-wide chest. Wonderful smells surrounded me—that spicy cologne or aftershave he wore, warm baked bread from the kitchen, and underneath it all, his musky, masculine scent.

He feels better than I ever could have imagined.

My heart raced as Donovan began guiding me back and forth in a slow dance. We didn’t have much room in the small balcony space, but we didn’t need it for our gentle sways. This wasn’t the kind of dancing I meant when I talked about feeling release, but it suited my mood after our candlelight dinner date. And it meant I got to rest against his boulder-hard body.

“You could have walked over through the door separating our rooms,” I said softly.

“Hopping the balcony was more dramatic,” he said. “Plus, this way I’m not breaking your rule about going in each other’s room. Right?”

“Getting off on a technicality. I like the ingenuity.”

“I can be creative when I need to be.” He sighed. “I’m sorry your trip turned into a disaster, Feisty. Hopefully this is almost as good as going to the club with your friends and grinding with random Italian dudes.”

It’s better,I thought while we danced.

His hands moved down a little, until they were dangerously close to the top of my ass. I responded by holding onto him tighter. After a week of little-to-no physical contact, it felt sogoodto hold onto something steady. Like as long as I was in his arms everything would be okay.

His hands were warm, and his smile was bright, and I surrendered to the gentle, swaying motions. I leaned into his warm body and rested my head against his shoulder. I wanted to cling to him all night long and never let go.

“I’m glad you changed your mind,” I whispered.

One of his hands caressed up my back and laced into my hair, fingertips gently massaging the scalp. “Playing with you is more fun than playing with the kitchen toys.”

“Are you sure?” I asked his shoulder. “I’m not sure I can compete with the big baking oven thing.”
