Page 9 of Only You

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Donovan: Wow, that sounds super anti-Semitic doesn’t it? I’m asking because of the bacon in the omelet. I forgot to ask if you had any food restrictions.

I grinned as I typed a reply:

Molly: Actually, I’m an Israeli vegan. I ate the onions and threw the rest in the garbage.

Donovan: Next time I’ll send over the whole onion by itself, and save us both some time.

Donovan: Do you accept food from every stranger you meet?

Molly: So far, only you.

Donovan: It could be poisoned.

Molly: Worth the risk. The smell of the food you were cooking was literally torturing me.

Donovan: You know, Hannibal Lecter lured his victims with food.

Donovan: He lived in Italy too!

Molly: Let’s talk about a more cheerful topic. This pandemic is crazy, right?

Donovan: It kind of feels like the beginning of a zombie apocalypse movie.

Molly: Did you just get here, like I did?

Donovan: I’m at the tail end of my trip. My flight home was grounded.

Molly: At least you got to see the city before the world ended! So far I’ve only seen the view from my balcony. Hopefully the lockdown ends in a few more days and things can get back to normal.

Donovan: I don’t mind it too much. I’m not in a rush to get back home.

Molly: You don’t have to get back for work?

Donovan: I’m kind of between jobs right now.

The talk of work reminded me that I should probably check in with my shop. I did the time change in my head, then called.

“Nellie’s Boutique, how can I help you?”

“Hey Andrea, it’s me.”

“Molly! Are you okay? I heard about the lockdown in Italy.”

“I’m fine, they have me staying in the hotel room. I’m sure everything will settle down in a few days. How’s the shop?”

“Oh, it’s fine. Same old, same old.”


She hesitated before answering. “About as busy as it normally is.”

That meant it wasn’t busy at all.

“Do you think they’ll impose a lockdown here?”Andrea asked. “There haven’t been any cases in Indiana yet, but what if it spreads?”

“I’m sure it will be fine,” I said. “Just focus on the shop and email me if you need anything. I don’t know when I’ll be home, but I’ll let you know if I find out.”

“Be safe! You’ll be in my prayers.”
