Page 76 of Make You Mine

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“It is,” he replied, stepping into the room until the door closed behind him. “But I don’t fucking care.”

Just like in my dream, he backed me up until my legs hit the bed and I bounced down onto the edge. He fell between my legs, smothering my lips with a kiss that quenched the thirst within me, then ignited a deeper one. I reached for his belt as he tugged my jeans off, then my panties, until the cool air hit my wetness. His manhood swelled into view as his tight grey boxer-briefs came off, and as he sank back between my legs the warmth of his flesh filled me like a lantern, spreading through my body like a shot of good whiskey.

I wrapped my thighs around him to hold him inside of me, savoring howcompletelyhe filled me.

There was no slow passion tonight. Jayce’s need for me was urgent, and mine was just as desperate. He rocked his hips into me while sucking on my lower lip, and a whimper escaped my throat as he began making love to me the way I needed.

Fuckingme the way I needed, hard and fast.

I moaned loudly, grateful that the rest of the motel rooms were deserted. Jayce’s cries were just as animalistic while he jackhammered into me, both of us reaching for something we’d needed all day. I teased my fingers over his body, across the tattoos and the bulging muscles underneath, touching the man my entire body ached for.

He was the only good thing about this shitty little town, and he wasmine.

I tightened my core for him as he pumped. I wanted him to come so badly. Ineededit, for his body to release inside of me and fill me with his warm seed. The need bloomed between my legs, melting like steel beneath a welder’s torch, the atoms breaking down and combining into something new. Something beautiful.

Jayce roared as he came with every fiber of his being. Before he could kiss me, I held his head between my palms to witness it. I wanted to remember every second of the pleasure plastered on his rugged face. I needed to memorize the curves and lines at the edge of his eyes, and every single hair of his beard.

And as I did, his eyes looked back at me with more than just lust. Withlove.

And I looked back at him with the same feeling in my heart.



We lay above the sheets, my body stretched across his, totally comfortable with our mutual nudity.

“I suppose you have to leave?” I whispered into his meaty bicep, which was my pillow. The number 3 in his 3194 tattoo was just underneath my eye, stretching across my field of view.

“Not yet, Peaches,” he rumbled in the kind of voice a man only shared with a lover. “I can stay a bit.”

Concern drifted across my consciousness. “What if someone sees your truck?”

His fingers caressed my arm. “I parked on the service road around the bend and walked here. Nobody’ll find it.”

“Mmm,” I said as I cuddled against his body. My lady-parts ached wonderfully from the desperate, vigorous sex.

“So,” I said. “Your text. Were you telling the truth?”

I felt him tense beneath me. Thousands of muscle fibers across his chiseled body all tightening at once. He added a sigh for good measure. “Nothing’s changed, Peaches. I just don’t… feel that way about you.”

The words were another dagger to my gut. It sounded like it hurthimto say it, too. Or maybe I was just projecting my own pain.

“Except you said we couldn’t do this again,” I pointed out, because it was easier than accepting his words. “Yet here we are, doing this again.”

I felt his shrug without seeing it. “You’rereallygood in bed. I was just afraid of leading you on if you thought it was more than that.”

I closed my eyes and buried my cheek in his bicep. If I looked him in the eye, he would know I was lying. “Nothing wrong with keeping it only physical. Just two acquaintances getting their rocks off while waiting to get out of this awful town. No dates or anything else mushy.”

“Right.” He sounded skeptical, and I waited for him to call me out on it. Instead he asked, “What had you in a tizzy at the diner?”

Grateful for the change of subject, I groaned into his warm skin. “It’s my ex. He’s making it very easy to hate him.”

“How so?”

I rolled over and Jayce rolled with me, wrapping his body around mine so we could spoon. I ground my butt against the warm length of his cock and sighed.

“We had a business together. We shared a food truck. Even though I’m gone, he’s still trying to make the truck’s problemsmyproblems.”
