Page 85 of A Return For Ren

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“I should look at it that way,” he said.

He grabbed the two gifts he’d gotten for Zara. They’d actually talked about it and he thought it was funny. She wanted to make sure they were on the same page and would not go overboard.

In the past he didn’t care and bought her everything he’d seen that he thought she’d like when a birthday or holiday came up. She remembered and told him not to do it again.

He reined himself in to two gifts. She’d said small, so he went one on cost and one on size. She’d have to get it over tomorrow.

“Looks like you spoiled Max,” she said.

“Not really,” he said. “The boxes are big, but there aren’t many. You put a few under there too.”

“I know,” she said. “It’s hard not to buy. I got him clothes because I know he needs them and a few toys that I see he likes at the daycare.”

“Which he will enjoy,” he said. He reached for her hand and threaded their fingers together, pulling her to the bedroom. “We need to be quiet again. Not enough space between the rooms.”

“We can handle it. Many parents go through this too, you know.”

She’d said parents and again he was reading more than he should, but his mind and his heart wanted to rush. Rushing was what led them to ending what they were trying to rekindle now.

He’d had that fight with his father, he let his temper get the best of him, and rushed to make a decision when he should have thought it out more.

He’d promised himself he wasn’t rushing anymore in life.

Yet here he was planning a future with Zara and they weren’t even close to being on the same page let alone checking the right book out of the library.

They got to his room, and he closed the door behind him when she turned the lamp on.

He framed her face with his hands, his mouth meeting hers, the kiss meant to be soft and tender. Not fast and needy as they did so much.

“Can we take it slow tonight?” he asked. “For a change.”

“I think we can do that,” she said. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

“We do,” he said.

His hands moved to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. She did the same to him, then reached for the button on his jeans and undid them, pushing them down.

Before he could do the same to her, she dropped to her knees in front of him. “We can play and do all sorts of things when we’ve got time.”

“Yes,” he said.

She freed his growing cock and then pushed his underwear out of the way, her hand stroking him, her lips parting and going around the tip.

Teasing him was what she was doing and she was a pro at that.

He held in the groan when she only went down an inch and then back. No pressure. No suction. Nothing more than her soft lips twisting around his head.

Her tongue came out next and licked the length of him, her mouth covering him completely right after.

She was moving up and down slowly, changing from licking to sucking. He had no idea what she was going to do next, not that it mattered.

“Zara,” he said.

“Shhhh. Just enjoy it.”

The sound she made with her mouth around his cock filled him with more sensations than he’d felt before.

He stood there looking down at her light brown hair as she gave him a blow job in this tiny rented home and all he could think of was what a fool he’d been to have thrown so much of this away years ago.
