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She blushed. “I am very willing to learn, but why bring it up now?”

“Elves believe in brief engagements.”

She nodded slowly.

“As in days, sometimes hours.”

“Considering the circumstances, pulling something together tonight makes sense.” She tilted her head as she studied my features. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“Elven marriage is more than an exchange of vows; it is the melding of lifeforces. Each party recites their vows in Elvish and then they seal their marriage with a token. Traditionally, that token is a kiss. The entire process is completed in moments and usually in complete privacy between the pair, but there are exceptions—like the marriage of a king.”

“Are you trying to tell me marriage is a spell?”

“An irrevocable spell,” I clarified. “Once joined, we can’t go back.”

She nodded.

“Unfortunately, time is of the essence, so I am trying to point out that we need to do it now.” I watched as this thought sank in. “I will be happy to stand by your side and tell your brother the news, but I can’t fulfill the tradition of asking him for your hand in marriage.”

“He wouldn’t give it.” She smiled ruefully up at me. “There will be no dowry. Laurence made it clear years ago that he wouldn’t provide a dowry unless he approved of my groom.”

“I don’t need a dowry.” I gestured to our surroundings. “I have plenty for us both.”

“Do we need witnesses?”

I nodded. Summoning my steward, the healer, and plenty of other witnesses would take a matter of minutes.

She studied Marilla. “What will happen to her when the curse breaks?”

“By all indicators, she will return home just like she does every dawn. Only this time she won’t return to the garden come evening.”

“Will we complete the ceremony here?”

“I would recommend performing the ceremony inside the castle. The witnesses I have in mind will be there.” I considered the woman at our side. “I will send someone to sit with her.”

“And warn the other princesses,” she suggested. After a few moments, Kate lifted her face to mine. “I am ready if you are.”

I stood, offering her my hand, which she readily accepted. Together, we walked through the shadows into my castle’s main entrance. Very few humans had ever set foot in my home. Only my spymaster’s wife and his brother’s wife had visited within the past decade. They had avoided visiting since the curse.

As I stepped across the threshold, a servant snapped to attention. Kate released my hand. I requested he find Merlon, Durvin, and my chief master-at-arms. He bowed and immediately dashed off. I turned back to Kate to find her staring up in awe at the chandelier hanging in the center of the octagonal room. Flames topped glass lamps surrounded by cut crystal, creating a cascade of light and refraction that coated the walls in tiny rainbows. I had always liked the effect.

“Are you sure you want me?” Her soft question brought my attention to her once more. She eyed the room with apparent trepidation.

“Yes.” I said it with all the conviction I could manage. “Though I suspect the more important question is, are you sure you want to do this?”

She nodded slowly. “I want to help Marilla, avoid marrying LaRue, and free you.”

“Are there any selfish reasons in there?”

She bit her lip slightly as she studied my face. “I want to marry a friend. But why did you accept? I am plain, unsophisticated, and ignorant.”

“No.” I strode across the space between us and looked down into her widening eyes. “You are practical, kind, selfless, and brave.” Her hair had fallen partially out of its binding and strands tumbled about her face in the most adorable way. I caught a silken lock between my fingers and slipped it behind her ear. In the chandelier’s light, the chestnut color glowed with golden highlights. “And, Kate, I don’t know how anyone could call you plain.” I caressed the pale curve of her cheek and brushed my fingertips across a freckle. “You are lovely.”

She blushed softly. “But what about children? Can elves and humans have children? You need an heir.” Her earnest concern warmed my heart.

“My spymaster and his brother have both produced plenty of healthy children with their human wives. I am not concerned.” I smiled down at her before kissing the tip of her nose. “With all of these objections, I am wondering if you are regretting your proposal.”

“No, not regretting exactly. I just—” She hesitated, regarding me worriedly. “You are so much more learned and experienced than I. Until a few months ago, I wasn’t even going to be a princess. I am going to make so many mistakes. Surely, you—”
