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She grimaced. “No, thank you.”

A sharp rap on the door cut off the list of persuasive points that immediately jumped to mind. “A moment,” I called. Speaking the activating word for the spell on the curtains, I reluctantly moved Kate aside and climbed from the bed. The curtains opened, flooding the room with golden light. My wife’s hair turned gold as the sunlight caught in its silken fall.

Kate scooted off the bed and stood. After smoothing her gown’s hopelessly wrinkled front, she began trying to tame her hair. “Is there a way to lower or raise the lights’ brightness without a spell?”

I paused in straightening my clothing. “Not that I know of.”

She huffed softly. “That is going to be a problem.”

“It is,” I agreed. My mind scrambled for a way to resolve the issue and found only more problems. Many aspects of my daily life required magic for their function. To make matters worse, they were actions that Kate needed to perform. “I will work on a solution. In the meantime, I have a temporary fix. While you slept, I selected some temporary staff for your part of the household.”

Her features tightened. I wasn’t sure if I read fear or displeasure. Releasing the doorknob, I crossed to catch her hand. Caressing her slender, capable fingers, I rubbed the calluses. My wife was not just a pampered princess. Her practicality and natural earnestness were aspects I adored about her.

“You don’t have to like them. In fact, if you don’t, I will happily find alternative employment for them. You are welcome to choose your own staff, but for now I ask that you indulge my choices. As much as I would love to spend my day showing you my home and settling you myself, I can’t.” I stroked her naked ring finger, another task on my never-ending list. “Now that my estate’s borders have opened up and people can visit, my realm requires my focus for a time.”

“Understandable,” Kate whispered.

Lifting her hand, I met her gaze over it before kissing the knuckles. “If you have any concerns, just ask for me.”

She nodded as another tap on the door signaled my need for haste. Striding to the door, I opened it to find two elven women and my steward impatiently waiting.

“You are wearing the same clothing,” Durvin remarked.

“Sleep was more important than changing.” I waved him and the others into the room. “Kate.” I turned to find her watching warily. “I asked Lady Channing to guide you through the many tasks necessary to prepare you for the court.”

Kate nodded, eyeing the elven women. Lady Channing dipped into a curtsey. “I am honored to serve, Your Majesty.”

“And this is the highest-recommended personal maid in the castle, Elinor. I hope the two of you suit each other.”

Elinor offered an even deeper dip and kept her chin tucked in the common sign of humility.

“Sire?” Durvin murmured the slightest of prompts in a soft tone, but I ignored him. Kate’s clear nervousness was more of a concern.

Crossing the room, I stepped close to Kate, blocking her from the newcomers’ view. “Kate?” I whispered as I settled my hands on her shoulders and waited for her to meet my gaze.

Finally, she lifted her head. Sunlight caressed her face and caught in her eyes, revealing their true color for the first time. A rich hazel brown with flecks of green and gold, they changed even as she studied my expression. The dark brown shifted toward a cooler green as her mouth curled slightly upward.

“Don’t look so concerned,” she whispered softly. “I know they won’t eat me alive.”

“And if they attempt it?” I prompted as I tried to overcome the impulse to wave our audience off so I could kiss my wife in privacy.

“I request someone to guide me to you.” She tilted her head slightly as her mouth softened and humor turned her eyes golden green. “Or I could just accompany you.”

Why had I never noticed her changing eye color before?

“I wish.” I pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. If I didn’t tear myself away immediately, I would give in to the impulse of abusing my authority as king and ignore my responsibilities. “I will check on you later,” I promised before forcing myself to release her.

Striding past Durvin, I exited the room determined to get through the tasks ahead as quickly as possible so I return to my new wife.

Chapter Nine


The ethereally beautiful Lady Channing motioned toward the door. “Might I show you to where the seamstress waits, Your Majesty?”

I glanced down at my rumpled gown. “I suppose returning home to fetch my clothing wouldn’t be wise under the circumstances.” My brother still didn’t know about my marriage. In fact, he was probably turning the palace upside down, searching for me. I had forgotten to request that Emrys at least send word that I was well.

“His Majesty said that it wouldn’t be wise at this time,” Lady Channing agreed. “He summoned the quickest and most skilled garment creator in the elder lands. She is waiting next door in your official chambers. Would you like me to show you, Your Majesty?”
