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“Still, I wish to make sure that we are prepared for anything.”

Sable trotted ahead and yipped her agreement as she circled us.

“Besides, Sable needs a bit more exercise since she is going to have to be on her best behavior all evening.”

“You are taking her to the event?” Favian asked, his dark brows rising. His golden-hued eyes flicked to the capering dog before regarding me again. “Do you think it is wise? She’s still a pup.”

“Kori and I have been working with her. Her responses have been amazing. Kori says that intelligence is a trait of Grimms, but Sable’s pedigree makes her exceptionally intelligent.”

Wearying of our talk, the puppy circled wider. Spotting a rabbit a dozen yards away, she bounded after it. I watched her go. “We have been practicing the heel and guard commands. Even now, she has the capacity to focus for a long time for a dog so young.”

We paused on the path to watch Sable snuff at the hole the bunny had disappeared down.

“I am more concerned with her ability to cause a ruckus at the party and giving you a bad reputation,” he clarified.

I nodded. “I also worry about that. The last thing I need is to be labeled a spoiled, entitled brat of a princess not worthy of the noble crown of Eldarlan.” The nerves that haunted me eroded my determination to stand strong for Emrys. “But Emrys suggested the idea of Sable accompanying me. He insists that being bonded to a Grimm will work in my favor.”

“It will.” Those two words quieted some of my fears. One thing I had learned since Favian had become my almost constant companion was he was blunt in his honesty.

Tiring of the hole, the dog’s sleek head snapped up and her ears perked. She tensed and looked toward me. Sable held her body at alert attention as she surveyed the area.

“She hears something,” I observed.

“I suspect it is that squirrel over there.” He motioned to a tree far from my hearing range. His guess appeared correct when movement among the branches caused Sable’s head to snap around.

Before she could go tearing off after the new quarry, I called Sable back to my side. Too much remained to be done, and I still had to prepare myself.



I had always disliked parties. Glitter and glamour always hid the truth. My distaste had only grown since the beginning of the curse with the forced celebration every night, the required hosting, and the care of a crowd of captive princesses.

Kate’s presentation dance would be different. At least that was what I told myself. But as I appeared at the entrance to the ballroom, dressed in a formal costume and dreading the night to come, it felt very similar.

“Ready?” Kate asked as she came to join me.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I smiled down at my wife. She glowed with good health. Not a flutter or a hesitation marred the cadence of her heart. Dressed in an emerald gown in the style of the elves, she far outshone the room. I admired the cascade of artful curls falling down her back with delight. My fingers longed to touch them, and I suspected the evening would test my self-control in more ways than the usual. “After all, it is your presentation to the court, not mine.”

She flashed me a shaky smile. “I am most concerned about the dance,” she confessed. “I can handle people not liking me. None of my brother’s court warmed to me.” She shrugged as though shaking off the pain that I knew lingered.

“This is different,” I assured her as I caught her gloved hand. Lifting it to my mouth, I kissed the back of it.

“How so?” she asked. Her lovely eyes turned a brownish green, warm with affection as she smiled up at me.

“You are their queen. They have to like you—or at least they must act like it to your face.”

She grimaced slightly. “Thanks for the reminder that every smile will mask a disdainful smirk.”

“Not everyone.” I lowered our joined hands but didn’t release my grasp on her fingers. Thankfully, she didn’t resist our connection. “Some guests tonight will fall under your spell like I did.”

She laughed at that. “What spell? I am homely, human, and although I have been healed, I am hardly young for my species.”

Seeing the first signs of movement on the stairs leading to the ballroom, I inwardly groaned. This needed to be clarified now, but the sounds of the servants greeting the first arrivals signaled I had little time. I scanned our surroundings. The bright lights had reduced the shadows to almost nothing, but the pillars on either side of the doorway offered deep shadows behind them.

Catching Kate around her waist with care not to crush her gown, I pulled her backwards into the shadow with me. As the familiar darkness of the shadow world closed around us, I sensed Kate’s shadow elf bodyguard slipping away, giving us privacy. But I didn’t care if he saw. I didn’t care if anyone saw, but Kate would care.

There in the magic-laced darkness, far from the world and lights, I intended to make something very clear. Catching her face between my hands, I kissed her deeply and thoroughly, rejoicing as she responded with warm enthusiasm. The temptation to forget the party grew strong. I wanted to run away with her into the shadows of the hedge maze where we could be alone. I broke off the kiss and rested my forehead against hers as I struggled to regulate my breathing.
