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“Well enough.” She quickly summarized the confrontation with Loriela. It took all of my self-control not to glare across the room to where Lord Orielan entertained a crowd with his boisterous storytelling. “Where is she?”

“The queen?” Lady Channing asked.

I nodded perfunctorily as I checked the shadows for my bodyguard. Catching my eye, Tyron, a recent recruit from Illeron’s household, stepped discreetly out of the shadows behind the decorative drape in the corner. He was close enough to converse with me without others noticing, as long as Channing remained with me.

“You summoned me, my king?” he asked.

Lady Channing turned to go, but I caught her sleeve with the barest of brushes and signaled for her to wait. Then I spoke to my bodyguard. “Please inform Lord Orielan his appointment to my council has been rescinded, along with my offer to host his family beyond this evening. I wish for them to be removed by midmorning tomorrow.”

“But, sire, I am not to leave your side,” Tyron protested.

“Send a replacement. I will be well for an hour. Besides, I shall join my wife immediately. Favian will watch over both of us.” I turned to Lady Channing before dismissing my bodyguard. “Where is my wife?”

“She retreated to the hedge maze.”

Ignoring the thrill because she was seeking out my usual haunt as a place of refuge, I dismissed the shadow elf and the lady. Then, ignoring my usual policy about not wraithwalking in crowds, I followed my bodyguard behind the drape.

Moments later, I found Kate standing beneath the statue where we met. Nearby, Sable stalked something small through the bushes. The gentle caress of the summer night air enveloped me as I stepped into my familiar haunt. Unlike that night months ago, I didn’t keep to my shadow form.

My wife studied the features of the statue above her with interest. “It really is a poor likeness,” she commented before meeting my gaze with a small smile and returning her attention to the statue. “You are much more handsome in person.”

“Now you are flattering me.” I approached her cautiously, uncertain if she had believed the social climber’s lies. “Lady Channing told me what happened.”

Kate laughed softly. “I am not surprised.” Lifting her face as she wrapped her arms around herself, she regarded me with a sad smile. “She was a wise choice as a companion for me. Her value has been immeasurable. Thank you for choosing her.”

I wanted to reach for my wife, comfort her, but I sensed her fragility. She needed to come to me. “Lady Loriela and her family are leaving in the morning.”

She frowned. “I don’t want you to lose an advisor because of me.”

“Any elf who leads his daughter to believe it is acceptable to pursue married elves is not worthy of being heard.” I studied my wife’s features. Her skin glowed in the moonlight, making her delightful freckles stand out. Her chestnut hair tumbled about her shoulders, dark and rich against her pale skin. The elegant lines of her slender form in her gown stood out against the black background of the hedge behind her. “I meant every word that I said tonight. You are beautiful, caring, and wise.”

She laughed. “You said nothing about me being wise.”

“I didn’t?” I smirked. “But I certainly thought it.”

“I am not wise.” She shook her head. “I just can’t stand such conceit.”

“Neither can I.” Extending my hand to her, I stepped toward her. To my delight, she came to me with a smile. “You didn’t believe any of her lies, right?” I asked as I pulled her into my arms, savoring the way her slender form fit against me. Resting my cheek against the top of her head, I drank in the scent of her and relaxed.

She nestled against me, nuzzling my shoulder with a soft sigh. “I didn’t. She is very childish for all the possibility that she is twice my age.”

I laughed. “She is a child by human standards as well as elven. You outrank her regardless, and that means more at court than age and wisdom.”

She grimaced against my tunic. “Are all young elves that rude?”

“No, but I was at that age. I was an arrogant child. It wasn’t until my father insisted I spend more time with my cousins that I learned humility.”

“Illeron and Casimir?”

“And Merlon. He especially delighted in pointing out my stupidity. I took offense until I realized his method held no malice. He just needs to point out the truth, no matter how uncomfortable.”

“So he has always been like that?” She leaned back and studied my features.

I quirked a smile at her. “Worse. Age has made him much more tactful.”

She winced. “I shudder to think how he acted before, though I am thankful for your tempering. Your humility and approachability are endearing.”

“Only for you, love,” I informed her. “My manner annoys most everyone else, especially my ministers and advisors.” I stroked the curve of her cheek with my fingertips before slipping my hand into her hair. “Do we have to return to the celebration?”
