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“Recovering.” He motioned toward where my sister sat on the grass beneath a blanket, nursing a mug of something. As though sensing my gaze, she lifted her attention from the healer questioning her. Shared relief and exhaustion passed between us. Deep sadness filled her gaze. She mouthed a single-word apology, which I waved off.

Next to me, Durvin let out a soft chuckle. “I see you two haven’t lost your habit of leaving the rest of us out of your silent communication.”

“Prognosis?” I asked.

“According to the attending healer, she will physically heal quickly. Her mind and spirit will take longer.”

I nodded as my gaze scanned the clearing before spotting the white hair of my healer still bent over the motionless form of my wife. Illeron stood over them, handing out orders to a rotating group of elves reporting for duty. In the shadows behind them, Favian and Casimir were discussing something intensely. Everything within me ached to stride over to Kate’s side. I needed the reassurance that she lived, but I knew I couldn’t make it more than a few steps without collapsing.

I doubted healing her soul would be as easy. Living a year under the control of such a monster would scar anyone. I closed my eyes and tired to breathe through my pain. I would see to it that Alora wouldn’t lack for care.

“The festival?” I asked, struggling to focus on my duties as king.

“Ongoing as of a few moments ago. Most of the court ignored the sudden flurry of all the shadow elves leaving. Only a few inquired or followed.” Durvin nodded toward the few noblemen working alongside my bodyguards.

“Send the guards back to their posts and the guests back to the party. I am sure Illeron and Casimir’s men are more than enough to handle the remaining tasks.” Durvin moved to obey, but I caught his arm. “Before you go, I need assistance.” I motioned toward where Kate lay.

Wordlessly, Durvin offered me his arm. I gripped it and began the long journey across the clearing.

Chapter Nineteen


“Don’t fall on her!” Merlon protested as I collapsed at Kate’s side, puffing like I had run miles. Each breath hurt and the rasping rattle from before had returned.

“Missed,” I said before a coughing fit caught me off guard.

“Illeron?” Merlon said without shifting his attention from Kate.

The spymaster stopped midconversation with one of his minions to put a hand to my chest. Instantly, the vise around my chest eased. I lay beside Kate gasping for a few moments as Illeron returned to his conversation.

Once I was no longer gasping, I turned my head to watch Merlon work. Reaching across the gap between us, I caught Kate’s hand with mine and interlaced our fingers. Taking comfort in the warmth of her skin and the instant awareness of her heartbeat, I lifted our joined hands and breathed in her scent. “How is she?”

“She ate a fruit poisonous to humans. It burned through her digestive track, ate away at her lung tissue, and was well on its way to eviscerating her from the inside out. How do you think she is doing?” Merlon’s sarcastic tone brought my attention to his face. Prickliness from him could be a good indicator. He rarely joked when things were going poorly.

“Will she live?”

He snorted. “She will, no thanks to her impulsiveness.”

“You reached her fast enough then.”

“No.” A trace of anger underlined that one syllable. “Illeron reached her first. If it weren’t for him and your lifeforce binding, she would’ve been long gone before I reached her.” He glared at me. “I would’ve been here sooner if I hadn’t had to pour an antidote down your throat and made sure her sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”

Anger burned in his glare for a moment before he refocused on his patient. The unspoken “idiot” hung in the air between us. I suspected it was more directed at himself than me.

“I repaired everything except for her lungs. Do you know how hard it is to heal lung tissue in a patient who won’t stop moving?”

As though on cue, Kate stirred. “Emrys.”

“Be still,” Merlon growled, slapping a second immobilizing spell on Kate’s torso.

She grimaced and fought it. “Emrys?” A sob tore at her throat.

Rolling on my side so my frame bracketed her, I slung my leg over both of hers, pinning them down. Holding her hand more tightly, I used my free hand to caress her cheek. “I am here,” I whispered in her ear. “Be still. Merlon isn’t finished healing you.”

“You are alive?” Her chest convulsed with another sob as a tear coursed down her cheek. “I thought—”

“Hush.” I pressed my fingertips to her lips. “You must be still. Do you understand?”
