Page 64 of Stealing Chances

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“You aren’t wearing your sling.”

“Fuck the sling, Scar. Need to know if you’re all right.”

I hesitated for long moments before confessing, “The officer said it’s often someone the partner’s having an affair with.”

Chase just held me before nodding. “Yeah,” he breathed. “Yeah, I got asked about four times if I was or had been seeing someone else.”

I didn’t ask what Chase had told them. I already knew he was constantly beating himself up with thewhat-ifs.

“My face was burned,” I muttered as I placed one of my hands over the harsh pounding of Chase’s heart, just in time to feel it falter.

He gripped me tighter in response, clinging to me like he could keep me there, and I could practically hear the words he was thinking.

I did something.

I did something.

I did something.

“We’ll figure it out,” I whispered, trying to assure us both.

“If this is any indication,” he began, only to finish with a harsh sigh.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I grasped his shirt and slanted my head to press my mouth to his. The kiss brief and soft, nothing more than a brush of our lips, but it had me feeling lighter than I had all morning. “Except for now. I want to leave this spot.”

His lips curled into a brief smile before he stole another kiss. “Where do you want to go?”


He leaned back enough to meet my stare. “You want to stay here?”

“As long as we change the locks.”

“I’m already on it,” he assured me. “But if you’re not comfortable with being here, we can go anywhere.”

I lifted a brow, voice bordering on a tease despite the heaviness surrounding us and the multiple police vehicles still just feet away. “Anywhere,anywhere?”

“Within reason.”

“And what’s reasonable?”

“Anywhere I can keep you close.” His answer had been immediate and sure and had my heart taking flight.

I fought the smile threatening at the edge of my lips even though his light eyes were locked on me, catching every reaction. Every hitched breath. Every dip of my head to hide the blush rising to my cheeks. Every way he stole another piece of me.

“That sounds like everywhere,” I murmured.

“Then name the place.”

“Inside,” I said without hesitation. “I’d like to be in our home.”

His head slanted in acknowledgment as his gaze bored into mine. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know,” I said, even as a whisper of doubt twisted through my veins.

Not that I thought something would happen to me or that Chase would allow it to happen. I just had this gut feeling something like this morning would happen again, and Chase wouldn’t be able to stop it.

But the fear I’d been paralyzed by had receded after my conversation with the officer because, the more I thought of it, the more sure I was that this was simply someone trying to get my attention. Butonlymy attention.
