Page 5 of Rogue Hunter

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Einri grunted, and I couldn’t decipher the meaning. “He’s been following us this entire time.” He side-eyed me. “Or, more accurately, you. You certainly make an impression.”

I debated returning a witty retort but was too distracted by the thought of my wolf friend following me. Why wasn’t it with its pack? “How do you know she’s not she?” I asked Einri.

That earned me another side eye. “I’m an alpha.” He non-answered.

On an impulse, I called out to the wolf. “If you’re actually a girl wolf, come closer to me.”

I noticed Einri stiffen beside me, and then stifled a giggle as the russet wolf lifted its head and looked straight at me, taking a couple steps closer once it noticed my attention on it. Slowly, as if it suspected a trap, it drew closer, and it felt like we all held our breath.

“See? “I whisper shouted to Einri. “She’s she.”

Einri snorted in derision, and I decided to double down.

“I’m going to name her Ruby.”

“You can’t give it a name like that!” Will interrupted as Brex snorted. “It’s a ferocious beast, not a tame pussy cat!”

I lifted my head and spread my hands. “Sorry, too late. It’s a done deal.”

Einri grumbled under his breath but was wise enough to not speak up. I turned my attention back to the wolf, as she was now halfway towards us, when she suddenly lifted her nose into the air, sniffing it, and then turned around and tore back into the forest.

“What was that- “I began, only to be interrupted by shouting at the front of the Greenwood.

Einri rushed to the front, and I followed, alarmed at the clamor. As we neared the front, I saw figures stepping out from behind the trees, all around us. My fingers itched for their bow, and I cursed myself that I was traipsing through a forest without it.

The three central figures marched out several of our scouts in front of them, holding them at knife point. Beside me, Einri began growling low in his throat, and I could practically feel his body vibrating from where I stood.

“Halt and speak your business in these woods!” One of the figures shouted to us.

“Release my men, and I will tell you all you wish to know.” Einri countered.

A low chuckle floated towards us, and the speaker motioned to the forest. More figures stepped from behind the trees all around us, each brandishing either a nocked bow, or a gleaming sword held at the ready. I cursed low and bitterly and watched as Einri’s shoulders bunched tightly.

“We have you surrounded and at our mercy. Now, speakyourbusiness, else I give my people leave to lose their weapons!”

At that, I heard a snarling and popping of bones behind me, and I turned swiftly, catching the end of my cousins shift from human to wolf. The sight filled me with dread, and I flung myself to him, heedless of the danger. Einri caught me, midair, setting me down none too gently before tearing off after Will. Brex helped me to my feet and lightly held me back as we watched the scene unfold.

Will made it three quarters of the way to the figures in the trees, and my heart leaped in fear as I watched the archers follow his path with their bows. My fingers tingled almost painfully for my bow, and it’s lack filled me with dread. Never again would I walk in the forest without it on me, I vowed.

Before my cousin could get any closer, Einri tackled him to the ground, roaring at him to get a grip. Once again, I was forced to watch him and Einri struggle, and I pulled Brex closer, needing to be near.

I chanced a glance at the people surrounding us, getting a better glance at them as they impassively watched the fight. They were warmly dressed in many layers, both cloth and hide making up their clothing, and I noticed most of them had cloth covering half of their face. Growls filled the air, and I turned back to the straining bodies as they grappled. This needed to end now. We could not afford to seem divided in front of our enemies.

It seemed Einri came to the same conclusion, and he bodily grabbed the wolf body of my cousin in his strong arms, holding him in a wrestling hold, and I could see his mouth moving, talking to Will, calming him down.

A few heart-stopping breaths later, the fight leaked out of Will as he submitted to Einri, whimpering slightly. Slowly, Einri released him, and stepped away so Will could change back to his human form. One of the men of the Greenwood slowly stepped forward and carefully gave Will a change of clothes to change into.

As Will got dressed, Einri turned to the men at the front of the trees. No, there were two men and a woman, I realized.

“It seems you do not have as good a hold over your men as you believed.” The oldest of the two men in front of us commented. Einri clenched his fist tighter, but otherwise didn’t respond to the taunt.

“We have no intention of intruding. We are merely passing through.”

“Be that as it may, you are entering into our lands. Turn to the left and you may go in peace.”

I could see the lines of Einri’s body sharpen further, not that I was paying attention to his body. I wondered who the old man was, that he could claim land as his own? Surely King Graeme wouldn’t allow one of his Duke’s to claim his land as their own?

“This land belongs to King Graeme of Thimmaria,” Einri commented, “and you have no authority to stop us.”
