Page 4 of Wicked Rogue

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“Now, now, Clover. That isn’t true, is it,” he breathed, leaning in closer.Urgh. I hated it when he called me that. It just reminded me of the day that had set off seven long years of bad luck… no, wait, that was mirrors, wasn’t it?

All the same.

Since Aidan had ripped my precious four-leaf clover apart, I’d had nothing but shit heaped at my feet. Whenever things were starting to go just a little smoothly for me, my pencil would break, or my shoelaces would magically unlace and send me sprawling on the floor. The page of notes I desperately needed to finish my homework would be missing, or I’d get stuck in the bathroom stall and be late for class, resulting in detention and a grounding from my parents.

Every little thing that went wrong, could be traced back to that day.

First world problems, huh?

He pressed his palms against the locker on either side of my head, his bulging arms caging me in.

I shuddered as I eyed the thick bands of muscle, decorated in crude tattoos that looked like they’d been scratched into his skin by the devil’s own claws in the pits of hell. More likely it had been his asshole friend Lucas with a needle and a ball point pen in the locker rooms… but the effect was the same.

He’d done it to make himself look tougher.

With his reddish brunet mop of curls and vivid green eyes, he was for all intents and purposes, a pretty boy, and that wouldn’t do in our world. The tattoos were his coat of arms… the thing that warned anyone who might be stupid enough to go up against him exactly how vicious he could be, even if his face looked like it belonged on an Abercrombie ad.

I could smell the girl he’d been making out with on his breath, and it made me want to gag.

“No, actually. You’re right. Ihateyou.”

Don’t show weakness, Cait.

“Hate is only a kiss away from love, you know.” He smirked, his lips just inches from my face and I felt the urge to headbutt him. As if I would ever kiss him.

My stomach knotted, and I flushed.

I wouldn’t… would I?

Of course not!

“Not even if you were the last man on Earth.”

He gave me a thoughtful look before grazing a lone finger along my jaw. The sensation sent chills over my skin. “Hmm. Hopefully you’ll never have to find out if that’s true.”

He pulled back, finally giving me the space I needed to breathe, but before I could fully luxuriate in the feeling of oxygen in my lungs, he’d snatched the books from my hands.

He dangled them just out of my reach for a moment, and then jumped.

“What are you doing,” I squealed, as he tossed the books on top of the lockers.

“Just giving you a real reason to hate me, Clover.” He smirked that annoying as fucking hell smirk again and turned away, sauntering down the now empty corridor.

“You’re an asshole,” I screeched as rage pummeled through me. My feet almost left the floor I was so hopping mad. It probably would have been quite funny to an outsider.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” He flipped me the bird over his shoulder and disappeared around the corner.

“Fucking hell!” I stamped my foot, glaring up at my textbooks just a couple of feet out of my reach. Even if I jumped, there was no way I would get them. I’d have to ask the creepy janitor for help, and I would get detention for missing class.

Aidan Fucking O’Callaghan had officially gone from mildly irritating, to downright unbearable.

* * *

When Brianna met me after her last class, I’d still not recovered.

“Why’s your face so red?”

I could have told her. I could have asked her to tell Cullen, their father, what he’d done and gotten him in trouble, but I didn’t want Bree to know. I didn’t want to cause any more friction between them.

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