Page 21 of Ruthless

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Once again, the big machine kicked to life. This close, its roar was almost deafening, but when she was sitting on the back and knew she’d feel the way the bike seemed to defy gravity, it was exhilarating. As she pressed up against Jett and put her arms around him, she put her hand on his chest. Snuggling against him was equally pleasurable to holding Ronan the way she had earlier.

After a moment, he laid his hand over hers. It was an affectionate gesture, a reassuring touch, and yet an incredibly arousing one. The touch of his bare skin against hers was potent—dreams aside, she began to fantasize what it would be like to have this man make love to her. She squirmed a bit as she imagined both of them touching her.

She caught her breath as he stepped on the shifter and twisted the throttle. They lurched forward and immediately moved out into traffic, this time with Ronan taking the lead as they blended into the flow, heading south. To her right, out over the sea, the sun slipped down toward the horizon. To her left, they cast long shadows that danced in the opposite lane. He drove as smoothly as Ronan had, and she moved with him, her center starting to flow naturally with the motions of the bike now, comfortable with the way it moved, the way he controlled her.

All too soon, Jett was pulling up in front of her apartment and stopping. They sat for a moment with the bike idling as Ronan got off and walked over to stand near them. She didn’t want it to end, but it had to, or she would be swept up by her emotions. Once she knew them, then maybe things would go farther, but now she forced herself to slip off the seat and stand beside them, taking off the helmet and handing it to Jett.

“That was beautiful. Thank you for introducing me to that.”

“I hope we can do it again. If you want to,” said Jett.

“As often as you like,” added Ronan.

The words were music to her soul. “Yes. I’d like that.” She hesitated. “Would you guys like to come in for a drink?”

They traded a glance before both smiled at her and Ronan spoke. “Tessa, we’d like that more than anything in this fucking world.”

Jett nodded. “But the truth is we all know we’d better not accept. To do this right, at least one of us has to be strong.”

She knew they were right. If they came in, they’d go straight to her bed, and she’d have two lovers before the day ended. She supposed she should be more frightened of the prospect than she was. And she wondered at how certain she was about them being a triad when the topic had never come up. Somehow, she just knew they were offering her a package deal… and she had every intention of accepting. “I—”

Jett stopped her by touching his fingers to her lips, then stroked her cheek, letting his warm hand rest there as he stared into her eyes. Her knees felt weak, then he slipped his fingers under her chin, tilted her head up, bent down, and kissed her. His lips burned with a fire, a heat that she’d never felt before. It shot through her, making itself felt in every fiber of her being. Then he smiled. “No, I’d definitely better not come in for… a drink. Not quite yet.”

Before she could formulate words, Ronan was pushing his friend aside and putting his arms around her. Tessa melted against him without protest as he kissed her with gentle passion that soon exploded. The kiss was intense, all too brief, and completely different from how she’d felt when Jett kissed her, though no less intense.

Lust burned in his eyes when Ronan pulled back. Seeing how much he wanted her, that he struggled to stand there, made her tremble more, nearing the point of becoming uncontrollable. “No? Are you guys sure?”

“Some things need time. I think this is one. Some people need to be very certain about what they want. We want you desperately, Tessa, but we know you aren’t sure about us—what we are, and what we’re offering together.”

Jett groaned softly when she licked her lips. “We want to come in. We want you, but even more, we don’t want to mess this up. For the first time in a long time, this matters beyond the physical, and I know you and Ronan are both new to sharing. So we’d better go.”

She held out a hand to stop him. “Are you new to… sharing?”

He hesitated before shaking his head. “No, but I’m new to wanting it to be something more than sex, Tessa. In some ways, this feels like a first time for me too. We should take it slowly.”

She sighed, realizing there was no way to keep fighting. They were right. The weak part of her wanted to rush them into her house and her bed, but her mind wasn’t sure she was ready for that step yet. “Okay.” She took a step back and walked toward her door. She paused at the doorstep, waiting until their bikes fired to life and they roared away before closing and locking the door behind her.

Her legs were weak, and her heart ached. These rough-around-the-edges men seemed to know her. They wanted her, yet they understood her fears. They were willing to be kind and considerate. In her world that would mean they cared about her, but Jett was right that she needed to know what that meant to them.

As badly as she hungered for them now, she wanted something that would be more than a hot night. Finding out if that were even possible for them, if such different people could have a future, especially when the relationship was for three, not two, would mean getting to know more about their world. That was far more complex, a bigger step than just learning that it was fun to go on a bike ride. They’d already shown her they had strength and willpower enough for all of them, for she had been well and truly seduced already. All they’d had to do was step through that door.

She wasn’t used to being tugged by such powerful emotions, and clearly finding out what was possible meant taking more gambles with them. The biggest leap of all was into a relationship with two men who were both aware of—and didn’t mind—sharing her. It was scary, but she was eager to learn, to experience, tofeelmore.

Chapter 6

Monday mornings were always chaotic.The kids would arrive still buzzing from whatever they’d done on their days off and slow to settle back in. The teachers suffered from it too. You didn’t turn your life off and on as if there was a switch you could flip that directed your mind from “personal” to “school” even if that might be efficient. And after her Saturday, that amazing, intense, yet frustrating Saturday, Tessa found it hard to focus.

She’d spent Sunday doing nothing more exciting than her laundry and baking a chocolate cake that she ate while watching a horror movie. Even after that, her nerves still tingled from the emotions of riding behind Ronan and then Jett. She’d alternated between being thankful they’d respected her request and frustrated that they hadn’t ignored it. In some ways she worried they might’ve decided she was no fun, not the kind of girl they wanted, and not sexy in the least.

She was sure she wanted them, but on what terms? Would they ask her out for another ride? She desperately hoped they would.

It was so bad that she had trouble looking at Kayla without thinking about her hot uncles, especially knowing she’d see them that afternoon when they picked up Kayla. It was foreordained: Ronan would smile at her as he always did with a hint of uncertainty, and so would Jett. His infectious, dangerous smile would excite her. She’d struggle with a desire to walk over and talk to them but be unable to think of an excuse. That meant if they didn’t come to her, she’d walk up to them with her head empty and her heart pounding. She’d stand in front of them feeling uncomfortable and likely with her thoughts visible on her face.

She’d thought having gone on a ride would make it easier, but somehow it was harder now, as if the stakes were higher. She’d taken that first baby step, and they’d given her time and space—they clearly wanted to see how it sat with her.

That it excited her, that they excited her, didn’t help. She couldn’t consider the men she wanted to get to know without feeling the emotions they aroused in her, and those things didn’t help her judgment. They were probably dangerous, and she didn’t know if that was good or bad, but she knew it was exciting. Feeling that way didn’t make her feel very grown up.

During first period, Kayla gave her an odd look. It was almost an adult look, seeing her as a person, not just a teacher. The girl was mature for her years, and her penetrating look was unsettling. When the bell rang, ending the period, Kayla walked close to her desk. “I heard Uncle Ronan and Uncle Jett tell my daddy they were taking you for a ride on their bikes.”

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