Page 24 of Ruthless

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“The textbook publishers cave in to the government like everyone else.”

Behind her, Tessa heard the roar of a motorcycle. Curious, she glanced back and saw Ronan and Jett pull up. Kayla hopped off and ran toward the classroom at full tilt. “I forgot my homework. I have to get it so Uncle Ronan will let me help change the bearings on a flathead.” With that cryptic message, she darted between Tessa and Jimmy’s father, slowing to grin at Jimmy. “Hey, Jimmy,” she called as she disappeared into the classroom.

“What do you want from me right now?” Tessa asked the boy’s father.

Harvey Taylor was waving his book. “Jimmy said you wanted to talk about new ideas, discuss them with him. I came here to show him that you don’t have an open mind at all. Clearly, all you’re interested in is finding out how to counter the truth, to poison his mind. And I know the game.”

“Game? What game?”

“You pretend that you want to discuss things with him, but really all you want to do is find out what I’m teaching him, the lies I’m exposing. You want to use your fake logic, fake facts to make him believe this party line—the government-approved, sanitized truth. You want to convert my child, a twelve-year-old boy, and use him to find out what I’m reading, what I’m thinking. To spy on us!”

“Whoa,” a deep voice said. Tessa turned to see Ronan standing behind her with Jett just a step behind him. “Can we take a timeout here?”

Harvey turned on him. “Who the fuck are you?”

Ronan moved closer, stepping around Tessa, smoothly putting himself between her and Taylor. Jett had his back, and they made the moves seem casual, just a man getting close enough to talk to another man. Then he looked at Taylor and held up his hands, holding them shoulder high, palms open. “Calm down, dude. I’m just a guy asking you to remember where you are—to cool your jets around the kids.”

“What are you—”

Just then Kayla burst out of the classroom clutching a folder. “It seems that I’m waiting on a kid who is getting her homework. I can’t take her home without her homework. And this has nothing to do with whatever is bugging you.”

Tessa could see that Taylor was quivering, ready to explode.

Kayla came to stand next to Jimmy, putting her hand reassuringly on his shoulder. “What’s happening, Uncle Ronan, Uncle Jett?”

Keeping his eyes fixed on Harvey, Ronan gave a disarming shrug. “It seems that this gentleman came by the school for a little chat and got a little heated. I think we’ve opened a dialog here, but Kayla, I’d appreciate it if you’d wait for us by the bike. You can show off to your friends, but you’re responsible if any of them drools on it or anything.”

She laughed. “Sure. Come check out the bike, Jimmy.”

“He stays here.” Taylor was growling.

Ronan watched Kayla run back to the bike. When she was out of reach, he turned back to Taylor. “You seem upset.”

“I am. I’m sick and tired of you people and your lies.”

Tessa looked over at Ronan. “This is Harvey Taylor—Jimmy’s father. Mr. Taylor, this is Ronan Vonn and Jett Saylor, Kayla’s uncles.”

“More pawns of the system.”

Ronan smiled at Jimmy, who relaxed a bit. “Hi, Jimmy. You’re Kayla’s pal, right?”

He nodded.

“I’m just a mechanic,” he said. “A mechanic who has a niece in this school. A guy who doesn’t like it when people act out in front of the kids.”

“Neither do I,” said Jett as he leaned closer to Taylor. “Kids are impressionable.”

Taylor laughed. “That’s what you say.” He looked Ronan over. “It’s a nice cover, isn’t it? A couple of simple mechanics. Bikers. And you just happen to be here so you can try to stop the truth from coming out. I don’t know what department you’re with, but it’s pretty obvious your real job is to control people who know what’s happening.”

Ronan’s laugh exploded as Jett twitched in obvious shock. “Control people? I don’t control anyone, dude. Sure, when Kayla is with me, she’s expected to do what she’s told, but that’s the extent of it. And my specialty in life has always been on the side of misbehaving. You think the government isn’t your friend? You’ll get no argument from me. We have not always seen eye to eye, the law and me.”

“Then why are you interfering?”

“Because when I see a big guy like you with rage coloring his face, his neck muscles tight, threatening a nice lady, I feel a compulsion to try and point out he’s being a bully. I have a compelling need to make the point that people should be respected, especially teachers. And I like to do it in a way that can’t be ignored. Even pawns of the system have feelings, and we act on them.”

“I didn’t threaten anyone.”

Jett snorted. “You didn’t utter threats, perhaps, but your body language speaks loudly. You have to admit, you have a lot of rage. If you’re trying to make some kind of political statement, feel a need to spout off whatever truth that has put a bug up your…” he smiled at Jimmy, “…whatever truth you think needs to come out, well, that’s cool with me. As far as I’m concerned, you’re free to express any old opinion you like, as long as you watch your language around the children and don’t try to intimidate people we admire.”

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