Page 86 of More Than A Game

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I’ve become more comfortable showering at Murphy’s house. I’ve even started to like smelling his soap on my skin all day. I step back into the jeans I wore yesterday and throw Murphy’s Kroydon Crusaders hoodie on. I wonder if it’s considered antifeminist to admit I love wearing something with his name and number on the back of it. This poor guy isn’t going to have any sweatshirts left at this rate. I think I borrow a new one each time I’m here, and he’s not getting any of them back. That thought puts a silly smile on my face as I slip my feet back into my riding boots. I’m tempted to leave him a note in lipstick, but he shares this mirror with Sebastian, so that’s out. Instead, I grab a blank piece of printer paper from his desk and leave him a note. Then I add a little lipstick and kiss the bottom. I leave the note on the pillow next to his head and grab my bag to head home.


I had to go to class and didn’t want to wake you up. I’ve got a full day today. Text when you can and let me know you’re ok.

Love ~ Your Princess

It’s a strange thing to be comfortable in someone else’s house. Not a bad thing, especially when you walk into the kitchen and find one of your best friends making both of you cups of coffee. Nattie’s still wearing her black and white polka dot pajama pants and a cami. It must be nice to have little boobs. One of those little shelf bras would never work for me.

Nat hands me a cream-colored mug that has black writing that says “I can’t even” on it.


That about sums up my feelings toward today.

Her cup is hot pink with eyelashes. The smell of freshly ground beans brewed to perfection hits my nose, and I feel better before I even take my first sip.

“I may love you a little bit more than is socially acceptable right now, Nat.”

“I love my coffee more than all of you combined, so I get it.”

I take the coffee, add a splash of cream, lean against the fridge, and then take stock of the sticky counter, upside-down shot glasses, and empty bottle of Jack Daniels.

Holding my mug out toward the counter, I ask, “How much do you think was in that when they started?”

Nat picks up the bottle and throws it in the recycling container. “No clue. Thinking they’re going to be hurting today though.”

“Yeah. I can’t imagine it’s going to feel too good later. You going to be home for a while?”

“Yeah, I don’t have classes ‘til this afternoon.” She sips her coffee, looking at me above the mug.

“Text me when they get moving. Let me know how they’re doing.” I’ve got classes all day on Mondays and haven’t seen my dorm room for more than ten minutes since Friday afternoon.

She nods her head. “So...” Her eyes twinkle with mischief. “Can we talk about the elephant in the room?”

I sip my coffee and refuse to make eye contact. I’m not sure where she’s going with this, but I can’t imagine it’s anywhere good.

Nattie sits down on a chair at the kitchen table. She pulls her leg up and hugs her knee to her chest. “Oh, come on. You’re one of the smartest people I know, Sabrina. There’s no way you didn’t notice that Belles was wearing Declan’s clothes yesterday. Not to mention, did they really think no one was going to question why he drove her here?”

Oh, that elephant.

Nat rambles on like she’s Enola Holmes. “I’m thinking she got an injection of the big D Saturday night.”

I spit my coffee out. “Sweet baby Jesus, that’s your brother. Yuck, Natalie. Seriously, just yuck.”

“Has anyone ever told you how funny it is when you come up with random ways of saying Oh God? Because, I’ve got to say, Sweet baby Jesus is in my top two.”

I raise a brow. “Oh, yeah? What’s number one?”

“Sweet baby Jesus in a manger. You only say that when you’re seriously thrown. What the hell did those nuns teach you in high school?” My crazy friend perks up like she’s about to get some juicy gossip.

I point my mug toward her. “Natalie. Focus.”

“Whatever.” She picks her coffee up and takes a big sip, then stares me down over the edge of the pink mug. “Anyway, I didn’t mean that Belles got the big Declan, I meant she got the big dick.”

“GROSS! It’s still your brother’s big dick, and if you’ve got to explain it, it’s not a good euphemism.”
