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A woman who’d seen fit to defend him in the face of obvious attacks.

‘Do you need to discuss this evening’s events?’ Stefano asked as they walked towards the royal suite. Hannah remained silent. Alessio wanted to know how she felt, given everything that had passed. ‘And would you like me to take Signorina Barrington on a very public sightseeing tour tomorrow? A quiet word in the right news organisation’s ear and—’

‘No, and no press.’

‘If we used them properly, it could be to your advantage. They fabricate news about you, since they get none. Why not feed the beast a different story?’

This old argument between them could wait for another day. He didn’t want Hannah used to deflect attention from his own errors. Inviting her into the hornet’s nest was his mistake. She’d done enough tonight by tolerating the dinner. For that alone he must thank her.

‘I need to place the necklace in the safe,’ he said. Hannah stood there with her head held high, looking more like royalty than he felt after tonight’s efforts. Lasserno’s aristocracy had not crowned themselves in glory.

Hannah reached behind her neck to undo the clasp and he shook his head.

‘You can remove it in my room,’ he said, then added to Stefano, ‘We can speak tomorrow if there’s a need.’

Stefano gave Hannah a lingering look, nodded, then left.

Alessio opened the door of his suite and walked inside with Hannah following. The burn in his gut overtook him now, raging close to the surface over the way she’d been treated. All the while his emotions mingled with something softer, more tempting. She’d defended him, worked to ensure there were no rumours about them. Pretendedforhim. That protectiveness was unfamiliar in his experience. Its allure potent. The memory of their knees pressing together, the hidden support...he couldn’t put it out of his mind. In his role as Prince of Lasserno he was tasked as protector of a nation. The weight of all decisions fell on his shoulders. Tonight, Hannah had relieved some of his burden and he could never thank her enough.

‘Would you like a drink?’ He rarely resorted to alcohol, avoiding any kind of excess, but he needed something to dull the immediacy of his anger.

She shook her head. Standing under the soft lights, glittering and perfect. As if this were her place. But it couldn’t be, no matter the temptation.

‘No, I think I’ve had more than enough wine. But feel free.’

He smiled at the audacity of her giving him permission in his own rooms. She was a constant challenge to his position, and he feared he was enjoying the challenge far too much.

‘I will.’ He poured a slug of amber fluid into a glass.

‘You are the Prince and all. You can do what you like.’

The weight of responsibility sometimes threatened to crush him, and yet he couldn’t yield to it. He took a swig of his drink, the burn of the spirit doing nothing to ease the emotions sliding through his veins. Anger, desire. A dangerous mix when coupled with a beautiful, uncompromising woman.

A woman who seemed to be shifting from foot to foot, as if she were in discomfort.

‘Are you all right?’

She winced. ‘Do you mind if I take off these heels? They’re like a torture device.’

‘Feel free.’ He lifted his glass to take another swig of Scotch but stopped as Hannah grabbed on to the corner of a chair, kicked off the heels and wiggled her toes in the carpet, closing her eyes and sighing as she did so. ‘Heaven.’

Alessio couldn’t tear his gaze from her toes, peeking out from under the hem of her dress. Red. He swallowed. Bright. Vibrant. Red. For some reason that bold colour was unlike one he thought she might wear. It surprised him. As if he were being allowed to glimpse some secret about her. He didn’t know why a need pounded through him now, his heart like an anvil being struck by the blacksmith’s hammer. They were only feet. But that intimacy again almost undid him.

‘I’m sorry,’ Alessio said.

She shrugged. ‘For formal occasions I know they’re expected. Beauty is pain and all that. I just don’t have any need to wear heels around the farm.’

‘Not about the shoes.’ Alessio couldn’t look at her right now. Instead he turned to the mirror and tugged his bow tie undone. Wrenched the top button of his shirt open, crushing the perfectly pressed cotton under his fingers. Even then his clothes choked him. ‘The people.’

She came into view, reflected behind him. Picked up a small porcelain figurine of a horse that decorated a side table, inspecting it, running her fingers over the smooth surface. What he wouldn’t give right now to have those fingers running over his skin instead. He took another sip of his drink. No good would come of those thoughts. His responsibility was to look after her as an employee, not dream of Hannah undressing him with her gentle, stroking fingers.

Yet it was this last thought he couldn’t get out of his head.

‘I’m used to the mean girls,’ she said. ‘You meet a few.’

Alessio wheeled around. She was precious. She shouldn’t have to deal with anyone cruel. ‘Where would you meet people likethat? Your clients?’

‘No, my clients are nice...’ she skewered him with her insightful gaze and smiled sweetly ‘ the main. I came across them at boarding school after my parents died. Girls could be cruel to an orphan like me.’
