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Alessio moved behind her, wrapping strong arms round her body. She leaned into him, tried to relax. To make the most of every second here.

‘This feels like another movie moment,’ she said.

‘Is that a bad thing this time?’

‘Only if the boat sinks.’

‘She’s had a complete refit, if you’re worried.’

Hannah wasn’t. Around Alessio she almost felt more secure than with anyone else, apart from the way she had as a child with her mother and father. ‘I’m sure you’ll keep me safe.’

His arms tightened a fraction. She closed her eyes to savour the moment. He’d keep her safe physically. Emotionally was as if she stood in a crowded room, naked. But this, between them, wasallphysical. An attraction. Nothing more.

‘You mentioned something to the crew about rules,’ she said. ‘What are they?’

‘This is Stefano’s yacht. Here, I’m not the Prince of Lasserno, I’m him.’

He played Stefano, so he could hide her. Part of that made sense. He was protecting them both from the press. Another part of it stung like a bee ruining a barefoot walk in the grass.

‘Stefano? This isn’t just any old boat. Where did he get it?’

‘Family. Stefano’s the Conte di Varno. The Moretti family and mine have a long history. Each count has served the royal family in their own way. Stefano’s way is as my private secretary, since I trust him implicitly.’

‘It’s nice that you have so much trust in someone.’

Alessio loosened his arms and turned her, a slight frown forming on his brow, the look concerned and earnest. ‘And you don’t?’

It was as if she were standing on a precipice. This between them was supposed to be casual. That meant light banter and fun. But she was driven to unburden herself, as if telling Alessio might set herself free.

‘My uncle was a financial advisor. He looked after my inheritance. Six months ago, he ignored my wishes. Invested in something I didn’t want. That investment failed. My parents didn’t have much, but my dad had an insurance policy. It’s all gone now. I’m hanging on to the cottage.’

Barely. Hannah didn’t know if it felt any better, having told Alessio. It was a terrible admission, her failure to keep an eye on things.

Alessio’s jaw hardened. His mouth a tight, thin line.

‘Are the police involved? Surely by law, your uncle wasn’t allowed to do such a thing?’

She hated this. Hated that the people who should have been looking after her interests had let her down so badly. Whilst they hadn’t been her parents, they’d been her last link to one of them. But she’d learned a powerful lesson from the experience. All she really had was herself.

‘He used a few people’s money, and he shouldn’t have.’ He’d been so sure that everything would be okay, and that in the end she’d thank him for ignoring her wishes. The arrogance of it. ‘And yes, the police are involved. But that won’t get my funds back. Everything my parents left me, I lost.’

‘Ah,bella. It’s not your fault.’ Alessio stepped forward and bundled her in his arms. She rested her head on his chest as he held her tight. As if he were holding her together. And all of it was dangerous. They weren’t meant to share, not like this.

‘Would you have taken this commission if your uncle hadn’t done what he did?’

‘No.’ She pulled back. Shook her head, honesty all she had left. ‘You. Horse riding. The showjumping circuit. It brings back memories I’d do anything to avoid. But now I’m here, I’m glad I agreed.’

‘I’m...glad too.’

She noticed it, the slightest of hesitations in a man she suspected hesitated over nothing. He tightened his arms around her.

‘Do you trust me?’ he asked.

Hannah was lost in the deep, warm brown of his eyes. She didn’t know if she trusted anyone, and that caused her gut to clench like a hard fist inside. She had to remind herself what this truly was. It had an end date marching up faster and faster. She’d pack her bags, her art equipment and leave. Paint his portrait. Throw all her emotion into it, then set it free and let him go. Alessio would find and marry his perfect princess, and all would once again be right with the world.

‘With my body? I trust you implicitly.’

Alessio’s smile in answer to her comment was sultry and slow.
