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‘I think it’s done.’ That little frown was back again. He wanted to wipe it away, but at least the only time she ever seemed uncertain now was with her art. Not about his love, or her role. Never those things. He adored her; his people adored her. The murals she had designed and helped paint at the children’s hospital had cemented Lasserno’s love for its new Princess.

Even his father had given public praise for Alessio’s choice of bride. Not that Alessio cared, but Hannah and her pregnancy had opened a door to communication that months ago would have seemed insurmountable. Perhaps miracles could happen. Alessio hadn’t put any faith in them till Hannah’s presence in his life made him believe anything was possible, including a truce with his father.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Hannah asked. Alessio shook himself out of his introspection. He walked round the canvas on the easel in the middle of the room and saw himself. It was like looking in a mirror. In this picture he sat in his office, surrounded by his ancestors. A magnificent representation of the Prince he’d once striven to be. His honours and regalia pinned to his military jacket. He didn’t care for any of it.

The only honours he craved now were Hannah’s.

‘He seems almost forbidding. Unlike your other portrait.’

Strange how his perceptions of what his country needed from him had changed with Hannah’s presence in his life, all the hard edges of himself burnished smooth by the love she brought to him. Love he wasn’t afraid of any more. Her love made him strong, not weak.

‘The first portrait is of the private man. The one only I’m privileged to see. I’ll keep him all for myself. This one is the Prince your country needs. Strong. Eternal. The greatest prince Lasserno will ever have.’

That praise filled him. Her love, and how freely she gave it, was boundless. He swooped her up, swung her into his arms. She shrieked, and then started giggling.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Taking this somewhere more comfortable.’

He moved to the seating area he’d installed in this place. Nothing wanting, for her at least. Every comfort available to her. If this was to be her studio, it had to be perfect. Given the time she spent down here, he hoped it was.

He placed her gently on the large, soft sofa in the corner. Knelt in front of her. Kissed her pregnant belly. Her hand moved to his head, stroked through his hair. He shut his eyes and savoured her touch. One quiet moment of perfection in an otherwise long day. There had been so many small moments like this and Alessio relished each one.

When he opened his eyes Hannah’s head tilted to the side, as if she were trying to peer inside him. He could hold no secrets. She owned them all.

‘Have you spoken to Stefano?’

Ah. The one wound that remained unhealed. The only ache that hadn’t gone away. Being more open with the media now, Alessio saw what Stefano had tried to do. Lassernowashappier when shown their leader openly caring. In that way, he’d been right.

‘I’ve tried.’

‘You’re writing him missives, aren’t you?’

Hannah knew him too well. In some things, change came slowly. ‘He may not want to speak to the man, but hewillanswer to his Prince. His family always has. It’s treasonous to do otherwise.’

‘Allow him his pride. He’ll answer when the time’s right. Anyway, I don’t answer you a lot of the time. Am I committing treason too?’ Her lips curled into a sultry smile.

‘That’s to my benefit. You remind me I’m only human, and that’s all I have to be.’

Hannah’s hand drifted to her belly and all he could see was their future, bright and brilliant.

‘I love the human side,’ she said.

Alessio trailed his fingers up her legs and she shivered under his touch, goosebumps peppering her skin. ‘I love it when you’re wearing a skirt.’

‘I know.’ Her legs parted and his hands drifted higher, his thumbs circling on her inner thighs, her body pliant as it sank into the softness of the sofa.

‘I love it even better when you’re wearing nothing at all,’ he said.

‘Rule number two, I seem to remember.’

‘What about rule number one?’

She rolled her eyes. ‘I didn’t promise to obey you when we married. But I did promise to love you.’

Alessio laughed. There was so much laughter in his life now. Hannah brought it into every day. Yes, there was plenty of work too, but there was still play. She could infuse even the difficult times with a sense of fun.

‘I loveyou,’ he said. Those three words never seemed enough for the bone-deep sentiment they carried. He was aware of the privilege and the trust she’d shown him by sayingyes. Alessio ensured she knew it every day, so there could be no doubt she’d made the right choice in choosing him.

She cupped his face and the look she gave him could have cut him off at the knees, so it was good that he was kneeling right now. Her eyes were soft, brimming with emotion. So much emotion. He could constantly worship was no trial at all.

‘I love you even more.’

He took her hand, running his thumb over her wedding ring and her engagement ring. The ring, which he’d had made especially for her. Their love was so bright and new he wanted gems to reflect that truth. Reflect her. A large emerald the colour of her eyes, flanked by two rubies, the colour of his endless love.

‘Never doubt my feelings.’

‘I never do.’

He smiled again, slipped his hands into the warm silk of her hair. Alessio relished the lifetime of these moments ahead of them. A future which held her in it was one to anticipate and cherish. Then he dropped his mouth to hers. Kissed her welcoming lips. And spent the afternoon in this pavilion, once built to love, proving their words to be true.
