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She laughed. ‘Later. I want to give you your Christmas present.’


Her heart thumped a little harder as she went to the tree and grabbed a small rectangular box from underneath, which she’d only wrapped and placed there that morning.

‘Before everyone arrives.’

Stefano’s family was joining them for Christmas Eve the following day, and staying until it was time to leave for the capital and the ball. She loved his brother and sister, but she wanted these next precious moments to be shared with her husband alone.

She handed him the gift and he took it from her.

Shook it. The box rattled. He raised an eyebrow. ‘Do I get a hint?’

She took his hand. ‘No. Come and open it.’

He twined his fingers with hers in a gentle squeeze as she led him to the couch. They sat in front of the fire and Stefano turned his attention to the wrapping.

Lucy swallowed, her mouth dry. It was silly to be nervous, but every day she tried to make Stefano happy, to remind him that he was a good man. That he was loved.

He tugged at the silver bow, picked at the tape, and carefully peeled open the green paper, leaving him with a plain white box. Lifting the lid, he stared inside. His eyes widened, and then the plastic stick it contained, with its two prominent blue lines, tumbled to the floor.

‘Tesoro...’Stefano jumped from the chair and gathered her into his arms once more.‘La mia stella.’

My star.

She’d begun to have suspicions a few weeks earlier that her expanding cleavage, which Stefano loved so much, had less to do with the toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate she’d been consuming and more to do with the fact that on some days they’d been casual with contraception.

Stefano cupped her face in his hands. ‘You have been looking more beautiful than ever. I thought it was happiness...’ His voice was filled with wonder, a reverent whisper. ‘But this is more than I could have dreamed. How far along are you?’

Tears pricked at her eyes. This was more than she could have dreamed too—the joy that filled her in this moment. ‘Still early...maybe five or six weeks. A scan will tell us.’

His eyes widened. ‘The ball...the performance. We should cancel. You need to rest.’

She pulled back laughing. ‘I’m pregnant. Not an invalid. We’re playing together, and you’re being formally announced as Special Advisor of State to His Highness. There isno waywe’re missing the ball.’

When she and Stefano had returned to Lasserno permanently, Alessio had reached out to suggest the role and Stefano had accepted. Not because of the weight of family history or any sense of obligation. Because it had been a deeply heartfelt offer from one friend to another.

Anyhow, Stefano was already a true Shield to the Crown. A protector at heart. He’d nurtured and protected her.

‘So long as you’re sure.’

He placed his warm hand on her stomach, looked deep into her eyes, and the emotion she witnessed there would have cut her off at the knees if she hadn’t known he would always hold her up.

‘I’ve never been surer of anything. I’m so proud of you, Stefano, and I want everyone to see how much.’

‘You are the song in my life. The music in my heart. My love for you makes me better at everything I do. Yours are the only accolades I’ll ever need.’

He bent, swung her high into his arms, and Lucy threw her head back, laughing at the happiness of yet another perfect moment.

‘And now,tesoro, it’s time for me to show you the stars again.’
