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‘What would you have said next?’ she asked.

He looked into her face, this brave, beautiful woman. Offering her the truth of his love. ‘Will you marry a humble farm boy?’

She looked down at him, deep into his eyes. He was once again lost to everything bar the heat of her gaze. ‘Yes. I’d be proud to marry him. In fact, if I wasn’t married to him already, I’d marry him again.’

‘Perhaps we can, in the little church in the valley.’

‘Where your parents married?’

He nodded. ‘And where Carl is buried. A ceremony for us alone.’

Rafe stood and wrapped her in his arms once more. She melted into his embrace.

‘I’d love that,’ she said, voice muffled against his chest. ‘So, what now?’

He released his hold on her a little. Stroked his palms over her hair and then cupped her face in his hands.

‘We live happily ever after.’

‘As simple as that?’ She smiled and it was like sunrise over the mountain tops, blazing and bright.

Rafe smiled too; he couldn’t help himself. ‘It’s what always happens at the end of a love story.’

She sighed. ‘I suppose we should get started on an heir.’

The thought of making love to her again coursed through him like a shot of schnapps. Fiery and intoxicating. But she deserved more, she deservedeverything.

‘I thought you wanted the monarchy to end with you.’

She shrugged. ‘I’ve come to realise the good it can do, thatwecan do. I find I’m not so keen to destroy centuries of my family history out of fear of failure. With you by my side I feel capable of anything.’

He stroked his thumbs over her cheeks, soft and warm under his fingertips.

‘Neveragain will you be placed under pressure to perform your role,’ he said, his voice firm. ‘That includes children. We have a constitution to change first, so there’s plenty of time. I have more important things to think about.’

‘More important than the country and the Crown?’ she asked.

‘Yes.’ Rafe dropped his head, till his mouth was a mere breath away from hers. ‘I have my wife to kiss and there’snothingin the world more important than loving her.’


Two years later

THELIGHTSWERElow in their suite as Lise sat gazing into the blissfully sleeping face of Lauritania’s newest, three-month-old Princess. Named after the country’s longest-serving Queen, their little girl, Marie, had arrived in a squalling rush a month early, but tiny and perfect. Lise cradled her close. Dark lashes brushing delicate pink cheeks. Love overflowed in Lise’s heart, a well of feeling that threatened to overcome her as she nestled Marie safe in her arms. The love she and Rafe shared had seemed miraculous enough. She had never imagined she could contain more of the emotion. Their baby proved her wrong.

They had made all kinds of promises when they’d renewed their vows, in a private ceremony. Just the priest and each other, in the little village church. Vows to love, to honour, and then a silent promise that there would be no children until the country’s constitution had changed. Rafe stood by their decision, never questioning it until she did. In the end, Lise was tired of others guiding her actions. Because what she and Rafe shared made her strong. She trusted herself, confident she could guide Lauritania through the coming years ahead. Rafe’s love had given that to her. As a team, they wereinvincible. Nothing was impossible with her husband by her side. He believed in her, and she believed in herself. Marie was proof of that. Their daughter planned, wanted, adored. All of it achieved through love. Passionate. Unassailable. Eternal.

As if she’d conjured him, Rafe walked into the room, devastatingly handsome and still in a suit despite the late hour. Campaigning to the last, no doubt, for the most important vote of their lives. He stopped as he took them in. Mother and daughter. His lips curved into a tender smile.

‘Now there’s a perfect scene. My two beloveds.’

He came to her and stroked his hand through her hair. She tilted her head to him. He bowed down and brushed his lips over hers, the thrill at his touch as fresh and intoxicating as the first time. Rafe then moved to drop a gentle kiss on their baby’s head. The little girl stirred, took a deep breath, and sighed before nestling into Lise once more.

‘No word?’ she whispered, almost not daring to hope.

He shook his head. ‘Not yet.’

‘If we fail today, we’ll keep trying until we succeed.’
