Page 56 of The Promise of Home

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Spending too much time on a computer screen always gave her a headache but she needed to celebrate this momentous milestone with a glass of bubbly. Who would’ve thought that after all the years of playing second fiddle to Bert she’d soon be a business owner?

Whenever she thought of her husband, a sliver of guilt would worm its way into her heart. Surely she shouldn’t be this happy in widowhood? Some of the women in town who had lost their husbands mourned for years, closing themselves off from the possibility of … anything. Not her. She may have hidden her relief after Bert’s death but she knew townsfolk judged her. She heard the titters when she entered the supermarket. People in Acacia Haven liked to gossip and they’d judged her for joining a dating app, for changing her style of clothing and, lately, for dating Jem. Not that the gossips would have much to talk about anymore. He’d made it more than clear their night together had been a one-off and she hated the feeling of being used.

Then again, what had she expected? From the time he’d visited her house to evaluate it, she’d made no secret of wanting him. What man would knock back the opportunity to have a willing and eager partner to shag?

The headache behind her eyes intensified but that didn’t stop her popping the cork on a bottle of bubbly. She’d never finish it but she had to do something to mark this special occasion and, after filling a flute to the brim, she lifted the glass high.

‘To the best business owner this town has ever seen,’ she said, hoping the occasional mouse that found its way into the roof wouldn’t think she’d gone completely bonkers.

She’d barely taken a sip when a loud rapping at the door had her spilling some of her champers. Probably Meredith, and while she liked the thought of finishing off the bottle with her friend, she wasn’t in the mood to dissect the previous night and that’s exactly what Meredith would expect: a blow-by-blow description of Heidi’s evening with Jem.

However, when she opened the door, Meredith wasn’t her unexpected visitor.

‘What are you doing here?’

Jem grimaced. ‘Not exactly the welcome I was after.’

‘What did you expect after the way you treated me in the agency earlier today?’

Surprise warred with confusion in his eyes. ‘Uh … I’m not sure what you mean? I treat all my clients that way.’

‘But I’m not just a client, am I?’ Heidi folded her arms and glared. ‘Especially after last night.’

Jem shook his head. ‘That’s exactly why I went out of my way to treat you professionally. While last night was spectacular, I didn’t want you thinking it clouded my judgement when it came to the sale of your property. I’m determined to get you top dollar and when you’re in the office with me, that’s what I’m focussed on.’

‘Oh.’ Some of Heidi’s indignation drained away. ‘I’ve just opened a bottle of bubbly. Want a glass?’

‘The house sale hasn’t gone through yet. It’s a bit early to be celebrating.’

‘That’s not what I’m celebrating,’ she said, opening the door wider. ‘You coming in or not?’

‘I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to come in.’

She’d never heard sarcasm from him and it made her smile, because she had the monopoly on snark. ‘In that case, there’s a glass of bubbles with your name on it.’

‘Don’t mind if I do.’

He followed her into the kitchen but before she could reach into the cupboard for another glass, he spun her around and planted a resounding kiss on her lips that left her gasping.

‘I’ve been wanting to do that since you strutted into my agency this morning,’ he said, looking way too smug for a man she’d wanted to throttle all day. ‘Do you know how hard it was to behave like the perfect professional realtor when I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how amazing last night was?’

‘You’re a very confusing man, Jeremiah Vogel.’ She poked him in the chest with her finger. ‘And I prefer clarity over confusion.’

‘What’s there to be confused about?’ His sheepish shrug made her want to hug him. ‘I like you, Heidi, but I’ll always keep our professional interactions separate from … us.’ He waved his hand between them. ‘You’re an intriguing woman and I want to know more.’

Heidi bit back her first retort, ‘Until you leave town you mean?’ No good could come of bringing that up now. Jem hadn’t hidden his plans from her. On the contrary, during the few short dates they’d had he’d opened up to her in a way she hadn’t anticipated. So she had two options: make a big fuss of this being nothing more than a fling or embrace the time they had together.

She chose the latter.

‘You want to know more, huh?’ She poured champagne into a flute and handed it to him. ‘In that case, you’re looking at the new owner of The Knick Knack Shop.’

‘That’s fantastic.’ He raised his glass in her direction. ‘Congratulations.’

‘Thanks, I’m stoked. Rayne offered it to me at a fair price too, which is extremely generous of her considering it’s an established business with a profitable turnover.’

‘Will you need the money from the sale of this place to fund it? Because that can be risky, sinking your savings into an investment like a shop—’

‘It’s all good. I have money saved so I’ll be downsizing after the house sells and will have plenty left over.’
