Page 25 of Eyes of the Grave

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Jackson gave her a confused look. “We’re already tied to this. I’m investigating Nadia’s murder.”

“I mean someone on the High Council,” she said. “They know what Rebekah can do. They’ll assume the worst if she’s here when they arrive. They’ll think she really did kill Nadia and that this mess is what she did to cover it up.”

“A demon was riding Nadia’s body. It attacked us. It put a hole through Rebekah’s chest. Why would they ever—”

“I’m a Devereaux. I’m always guilty until proven innocent.” I sighed. “She’s right. We need to go. Did you remember to get the laptop and books we found at the crime scene?”

“You’re worried about that now?” He shook his head in disbelief. “Only you—But yes. I did. Despite my wife dying in my arms, while a hysterical leprechaun yammered in my ear, I did stop and fill a bag with the things we found. I had to leave it in the car when I carried you in here.”

“I was a little too preoccupied to notice.” I shrugged. “But, good. Let’s go.”

“You were half dead ten minutes ago. You should be resting,” he protested.

“I’m fine,” I said, striding for the door. “Shado, text me when everything’s taken care of. I’ll worry until you do.”

“Yes Ma’am,” she said, feigning a salute.

I flashed her a smile and looked back at Jackson, who was standing dumbfounded in the exact spot where I’d left him, still holding the water and cookies. I waved my hand in his line of sight. “Earth to Jackson. Are you coming with me or am I walking home?”

His eyes narrowed and he followed me out into the hall muttering under his breath. “Such a witchy pain in my ass.”


Armor Up

He stared daggers into my back the whole way to the truck. I could hear him fidgeting with his hands and grumbling. I could feel him vibrating with frustration, until finally, he couldn’t hold it anymore. “Are you okay?”

I reached for the passenger door handle without looking back at him. “I’m fine.”

“Hey, stop. Will you let me—”

I hoisted myself into the passenger seat and leaned back, closing my eyes. “I’m fine, Jack. My stomach is healed, the venom is gone. You don’t need to get doors for me or help me walk. I’m okay.”

“You lost a lot of blood.”

I groaned and opened my eyes to see him looming in the open door beside me. I could see the concern written all over his face, but I couldn’t give in. So, instead, I swallowed around a lump in my throat and said, “I just want to go home…please.”

“I…” His protest died on his lips and his shoulders sagged as he took a step back. He exhaled a long breath and flashed me a soft sad smile. “Okay.”

He shut the door and walked around the front of the truck. It was obvious my energy hadn’t recovered, but I wasn’t about to admit that to him. He’d saved my life by getting me to Shado. That was enough. I didn’t need him coddling me. We had work to do. I needed to sort out whether or not I’d killed Nadia.

As much as I wanted to believe their theories about a shapeshifter, that vision still sat blazing in the back of my mind. I couldn’t just ignore it.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jackson asked again.

“What?” I blinked and looked around for a moment in confusion. I’d been so lost in thought I’d missed him getting into the driver’s seat. We were already halfway home.

“You’ve been staring off into space since I pulled out of the parking lot,” he said.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just thinking.” I shrugged.

“Why don’t you close your eyes and get some sleep. I’ll wake you when we get to the house.”

I shook my head. “If I go to sleep now, I won’t have the energy to work, and I need—”

“What work? I’m taking you home and putting you to bed. You need rest.”

I laughed and looked out the window. There was no use arguing with him. Not yet anyway. We both knew there was no way he’d agree to let me work on the case, and no way that I’d just lay down and go to bed.
