Page 85 of Eyes of the Grave

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“Are you okay?” He frowned, trapping my hand against his chest.

I smiled and gently pushed him to lay flat on his back. “I’m fine. Just sleepy.”

“Then come here.” His arm slid under my shoulders and he pulled me close. My head fell on his chest, and my leg slid over his hip. “Let’s get some sleep before your cousin comes barging in and demands to know what’s going on with this cuff.”

“I’m surprised she’s lasted this long.” I chuckled and nuzzled his chest. “I can hear your heartbeat.”

“Hmm, is that good or bad?” he asked. I could already hear the sleep creeping into his voice. He’d be asleep in a minute or two.

“It’s good.” I kissed his chest and pressed my ear to the skin. Listening to its beat, I counted the seconds. I felt the rise and fall of his chest. It wasn’t long at all before he fell asleep.

Another pulse rattled my bones.Now. Do it now.

My body slowly rose, and my eyes started to flutter. I slid my leg all the way across Jackson’s hips and straddled him. My hands skimmed up his chest, applying a slight pressure as they went. He groaned but didn’t wake. I splayed my fingers over his shoulders. I scratched him gently and then closed my hands around his neck. Red energy flared around the cuff and my fingers dug into Jackson’s throat.

His eyes flew open in a half second. He grabbed at my wrists and tried to push me off, but my hands wouldn’t budge. Even his strength as a werewolf couldn’t push me away. His legs moved, and his hips tried to throw me off, but it wasn’t enough. After a minute his eyes fluttered closed, and his hands fell limp at his sides. He was unconscious.

The pulse repeated.Under the mattress. Take it and end him.

I looked to the corner of the mattress where I knew I’d find the knife, but I didn’t move. I didn’t want to move.

The pulse slammed into me again, harder this time. It felt like someone was dragging a knife from one side of my ribcage to the other.Do it.

My body lurched forward, and I reached beneath the edge of the mattress near his head. I sat back and a simple silver blade was closed in my palm. I switched it from my left hand to my right and flexed my fingers around the hilt. Red light flashed around the cuff again and my hand raised, poised to plunge the knife into Jackson’s chest.

A wall of force hit me square in the side, and my body flew sideways. My head smacked the wall by the window, and I fell to the ground in a heap.

A high pitched wail erupted in my left ear and exploded through my body. It lasted for five agonizing seconds and then it was gone.

“What the hell was that?” I groaned, looking around the room. Myra stood at Jackson’s side, and he was coughing on the bed. Shado stood at the door, her eyes wide in terror. “Shado? What’s wrong? What happened?”

She held up her hands and crouched to sit eye level with me. “Rebekah, put down the knife.”

“What?” I frowned and looked down at my hands. To my surprise, I was holding a silver blade. The same silver blade from my visions of Jackson’s death. “No. No, no, no.”

“It’s okay, Rebekah. He’s okay. You can put the knife down,” Shado said. Her voice was soft and shaking.

My lower lip trembled as I met her gaze again, dropping the knife. “What’ve I done?”


Harsh Reality

“What’ve I done?” I repeated, backing away from the knife. “No. No. No! It was just a vision. It’s not real. It’s not real!”

Shado grabbed me by the shoulders. “Rebekah, stop! Take a breath. Calm down.”

“I…I hurt him. Why did I do that? Why?” My chest rose and fell in rapid succession. I couldn’t take a full breath. If Shado hadn’t stopped me, I would have killed him. I would have stabbed Jackson in the chest and walked away smiling. “What is wrong with me?”

“It’s the cuff,” Jackson croaked from the bed. He was still coughing. “There was a light. It’s spelled.”

“I knew it was going to happen. I knew I would be the one that killed him.” I whimpered.

Shado brushed the hair out of my face. “He’s not dead, Rebekah. He’s right there. He’s fine. He’s alive.”

“My vision wasn’t supposed to be real. It wasn’t supposed to be real.” I shook my head and scrambled to my feet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I’m…okay,” Jackson said, turning around. “It’s okay. What’s the last thing you remember?”
