Page 67 of Dirty Little Secret

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“You’re my best friend, Finn. If there’s anyone in this world I can trust to take care of her, it’s you. The fact you stayed away from her when you clearly didn’t want to, because of a pact we made a long ass time ago, speaks volumes about your character. You’re a loyal friend and you’ll be loyal to Willow. And if I’m wrong, I’ll just kill you.”

My best friend is threatening me. I mean, it is his sister we’re talking about, but you’d think there would have been at least a hint of humor in his voice.


It was flat. I can tell he’s serious as hell.

Not that I plan on hurting Willow. Never in a million years do I want that to happen but I’m not perfect. We’re going to fight from time to time. She’s strong and opinionated, and as laid back as I can be, I’m not as go-with-the-flow as people tend to think I am. Butting heads is inevitable but I’m looking forward to it.

The make-up sex will be fantastic.

“Noted,” I state, keeping my voice as firm as his. “We cool then? Because you’re wearing out the leather on your steering wheel.”

Max glances down at his hands. His death grip has caused his knuckles to turn white. As soon as he loosens his grip, they pink back up, causing Max to chuckle to himself.

“We’re cool. As long as I don’t hear about you two having sex. Or actually hear you in the act. I might not be able to hold back from punching you in the face. She’s still my little sister.”

I can’t help but laugh as Max’s face scrunches up in a grimace.

Mental note to self: no loud sex when Max is home.

“Thanks, man,” I say as he hits his blinker for our exit.

“For what?” You can hear the confusion in his voice as he glances over at me.

“Trusting me with her. Not hitting me when we told you. I promise not to let you down.”

“Damn straight you won’t. You break her heart, I break your face,” he threatens, this time with a smile.

“Breaking my face would be mild in comparison to what I dreamed you might do to me,” I start, launching into details about the dreams I had. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Max laugh so loud in his life. His face is bright red, and he’s gasping for breath by the time we reached our loft.

He’s a damn good brother and friend. One day I’m hoping to call him both.
