Page 13 of Risky Little Affair

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“I never gave you an answer,” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest, attempting to hide the fact I’m not wearing a bra. And girls like me, with ample breasts, can’t get away without wearing a bra.

“Not in so many words,” he starts, pushing himself upright and stepping inside. “But I can see it in your eyes.”

Shit!What are my eyes telling him that I don’t want him to see? Am I really that transparent?

Steeling my features, I lift my chin in defiance which only causes Micah’s grin to widen.

He has the cutest dimple in his chin. And the damn thing is winking at me.

Why does he have to be so good looking?

Why did I have to share a tent with him?

What was I thinking seducing him?

I was successfully able to ignore my physical attraction to him the two times I met him. Hell, he barely spared me a glance on either occasion. But now, with him this close, I’m finding it harder and harder to deny how much I want him.

Which is why he needs to leave.

“You can’t be in here, Micah. This is a girls’ dorm.”

“I know that.”

“Of course you do,” I mutter more to myself than to him. I know he’s snuck in this very building more than once to see afriend.

“Are you kicking me out, Lex?”

“I’m trying.”


“I already told you. This is a girls’ dorm. You’re not allowed in here.”

“Try again,” he urges, kicking the door closed as he takes a step farther into the room. The distance between us getting smaller and smaller. My resolve becomes weaker and weaker.


My intention was to sound firm, so he knew I wasn’t playing around. I didn’t mean to moan his name. Or to sound like I was already turned on. Though, one look at him and I felt the familiar ache in my nether regions.

“Time for confession. If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll give you what you need.”

He’s so full of himself.Arrogant bastard.

“I have nothing to confess,” I reply, shifting on my feet. My sweats dip lower on my hips, and I catch them just before they’re about to expose me, tightening the strings.

“Are you sure about that?” Micah steps forward again, the fire in his eyes undeniable. I know I should step back, put more distance between us, but I’m frozen in place. Unable to move. Unable to look away. “I think you know what you want.” Another step. He’s within reach, but I resist the urge to touch him. To run my fingers over his freshly buzzed hair or his broad shoulders. “I think you’re afraid to ask for what you need.”

One more step and he stops directly in front of me. I’m staring at the buttons on his shirt. I can’t bring myself to lift my chin and stare into his eyes anymore. I know what I’ll see, and when he looks at me like that, it makes me want to give in to his every request. Demand. And make a few of my own.

You’re too different,I remind myself.

This could never work.

You’re not his type.

It was one night. One amazing, earth-shattering night of the best sex you’ve ever had. Nothing more.

It can’t happen again.
