Page 70 of Risky Little Affair

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“Well, go get him,” Julian encourages me, pointing to a tent on the far end of the row.

As if they could feel our presence, Declan and Finn start climbing out of their respective tents, eyes searching. You can tell the moment they find the women they’re looking for. I don’t have to turn around to see the smile on my friends’ faces. I hear both of them squeal as I begin unzipping Micah’s tent.

“It’s about damn time,” he states. “You’ve been here for three minutes already.”

Reaching up, Micah pulls me down on top of him as soon as I cross the threshold.

“You knew I was here and didn’t come out to greet me?” I tease.

“Then I would have had to drag you back in here. I just saved us a step. I let you come to me.”

“Some would say that’s lazy romance.”

“What would you say?”

“I’d say you need to help me out of these tight pants and remind me why I’m with you,” I state, wiggling against his growing erection.

“Is that all I am to you?” he gasps. “A cock that can make you feel good? I thought I meant more to you than that.”

“You do. Why else would I be here? I mean, besides your giant cock.”

Growling, Micah flips me on my back, hovering over me. “I’m going to have my way with you, but only because you called my cock a giant. And then, you’re going to tell me the real reason you’re here.”

Damn. He knows me too well.At least he’s giving me the time I need, and the orgasm, before he asks for answers.
