Page 57 of No Ordinary Hate

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“Digger!” Moira yells.

“Moira. Harper,” I say. “What are you doing down there?”

“Pretending to be centipedes,” Harper answers, waving her arms and legs in the air. “You should join us!”

“Maybe next time.” I hold out my hand to help her up. As soon as our palms touch, a warmth spreads through me that’s as exciting and cozy as Christmas morning.

Harper holds out her hand to help Moira up, but instead of joining us on terra firma, my sister nearly pulls Harper back down. Grabbing Harper by the waist, I hold her close, and say, “Don’t move.” Then I hoist Moira up with my other hand.

They look at each other, then, at the same time, say, “He’s one of the good ones.” A huge giggle fit ensues.

“We should get going,” I tell Harper.

“Right.” She attempts to snap her fingers but somehow misses. “‘‘Cause Moira has to be up really early.”

“Yes, she does,” I answer, not bothering to mention that I do too.

The two hug like long-lost sisters for another two minutes, telling each other things like, “You’re the best,” “No,you’rethe best,” and “Let’s do this again.” They finally disentangle their limbs and say goodbye.

“Good night, Moira,” I say. “Maybe have some water before you go to bed.”

“Night-night, bro. Brah. Bruh. Bro, brah, bruh! Brobrahbruh!” She starts to shake her fists in the air like she’s cheering the home team on to victory.

“Oh, boy,” I mutter. “She’s going to be hurting tomorrow.”

“Feels too good to hurt,” Harper interjects as she marches very deliberately to the truck.

Once she’s all buckled in, I walk around to the driver’s side, and we start off. “You and my sister seem to have become fast friends.”

“She’s the best,” Harper tells me. “She’s just so … strong and sweet and … and strong.”

“That she is,” I tell her, shifting to third gear now that we’re on the main drag.

“I like her. I like it here,” Harper says, looking out the window. Then, turning to me, she adds, “I like you, too. More than I should, probably.”

“I’m a pretty likable guy.” I can’t help the smug smile that crosses my mouth.

Putting her hand on my thigh, she says, “You make me feel alive, Digger. Likereallyalive in a way I haven’t in years.” She closes her eyes for a few seconds, before adding, “You’re so strong and sweet … and seeeeeeeeexy.”

“So you like me as much as you like my sister, huh?”

Her head lolls toward me. “No, silly. I don’t want to do bedroom stuff with Moira.”

She closes her eyes and immediately starts snoring. My heart pounds in my chest like it’s decided to make a run for it. She can’t possibly mean that. First of all, we barely know each other. Second, she’s fresh out of a terrible marriage, so whatever she’s feeling is probably more like a desperate need to feel wanted again. Which is insane since half the men on this planet want her.

She doesn’t wake up for the rest of the ride, or when I pull into the parking lot at the lodge. I walk around and open her door, then lean over her so I can undo her seat belt, trying not to react to the nearness of her.

Moose wanders over and looks in the truck, then up at me. “She’s had a few too many,” I tell him. Then I turn to Harper. “Come on, Harper, it’s time to wake up, okay?”

“Not gonna,” she murmurs, snuggling deeper into the seat.

“Please,” I counter, knowing there’s really no point. “We’re back at the lodge. Do you want me to walk you to your cabin?”

“I sleep here. Long day,” she answers.

“I guess I’ll have to carry you,” I mutter, sliding one hand behind her back and the other one under her thighs.

Hoisting her out of the truck, I slam the door shut with one foot. As she lies in my arms, with her cheek pressed against my chest, I can’t help but to stare down at her. She’s so pretty, it’s almost hard to look at her up close like this. It all seems unreal.
