Page 65 of No Ordinary Hate

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“Oh, my god, that’s horrible.” Ethan looks rightly appalled.

“According to Moira—that’s Digger’s sister—he’s decided that marriage is the devil, and he doesn’t want any part of it.”

“That’s like blaming forest fires on birthday candles.” Prisha picks up a lightly battered fish filet and takes a bite. “Sweet Jesus, I’ve found religion!”

The food is so good, we feast in silence. By the time we’re done, I’m too full to move.

“So, where are we sleeping tonight?” Ethan asks. “’Cause I’m about ready to pass out.”

Prisha yawns loudly. “Me too.”

“I got you a couple rooms in town staying with Digger’s sister. It’s not the Ritz, but it’s better than all of us cramming into my little cabin.” I stand up and stretch out. “Let’s walk back up to the lodge and then I’ll drive over with you.”

Leading the way up the path, Ethan asks, “Any bears in the area?”

I startle, realizing this is the first time since getting here that I haven’t worried about a bear attack. “I haven’t seen any down here. But I almost got killed in the outhouse while we were up at Copper Creek.”

“Is that so?” Ethan asks, clearly trying to sound casual, even though he’s upped his pace to one that causes Prisha and I to have to run to keep up.

When we get to the lodge, I say, “I better run inside and let them know I’m going to borrow the pickup to show you the way.” I really hope I run into Grandpa Jack and not Digger.

But Evie is the first person I see when I open the screen door. “Can I borrow the pickup for an hour?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “Digger took it into town. He said something about needing to get out of here for a while.” She offers me a curious look, like I’m the reason he had to leave.

“No problem,” I tell her. “I’ll just bring my friends’ car back and pick them up in the morning.”

As we drive through town, I spot the Toyota in front of a rundown looking place called The Steel Trap. I’m sorely tempted to pull in, but that would be stupid. There’s enough on my plate right now without complicating matters with Digger.

Taking a left onto the dirt road that leads to Moira’s place, Ethan says, “I feel like we’re in the middle of a horror movie.”

“What? No, it’s beautiful out here,” I assure him.

“Uh-huh.” He doesn’t offer more than that.

Moira’s kids are running around the yard with Juno when we pull up the drive. I park and open the door. “Hey, guys, how’s it going?”

They all come running in our direction. Colton asks, “Are Liam and Lily back?”

Ash says, “We didn’t get a chance to play those fancy video games with them yet.”

Wyatt adds, “Mom’s in the house. You want me to go get her?”

“I know the way,” I tell him. “My friends here are going to stay with you guys for a few days.

Colton eyes Ethan curiously. “You any good at baseball?”

“I haven’t played since I was a kid, so I’m guessing no.”

Prisha raises her hand and announces, “I was known for my triple plays on my college team.” Then she smiles at Ethan and teases, “But I bet this guy here can show you how to make an origami parrot.”

Ethan grumbles, “You make one paper bird, and it follows you through life.”

“What’s origami?” Ash asks him.

“It’s the Japanese art of paper folding,” Ethan tells him. “I spent a year in Tokyo, and I learned all kinds of interesting things.”

“No way!” Wyatt gushes. “That’s really cool.”
