Page 113 of True North

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Somehow, I can’t picture the tattooed shifter alongside our wolves. Our pack is full of team players. I doubt Paxton has ever been part of any team in his life. Not willingly, at least.

“Don’t forget, little Tess,” Dominic catches my eye, “some wolves are more than they first appear.” He looks meaningfully at me, reminding me that I, too, am commonly underestimated. Even Bryant turned up his nose at me when Dominic brought me here for the first time about a week into my own training.

“Where do you think he really came from?” And then even more quietly, I ask the question that’s really on my mind. “You don’t think someone’s planted him here, do you?”

Dominic looks from me to the man in question. “I don’t know. A guy like that doesn’t exactly blend. I can’t imagine he’d make for the best plant.” Still, he seems as uneasy as I feel when he looks at me again. “As long as he’s on our territory, I can promise you our pack will keep eyes on him.”

I know my mate means that, but it does little to ease my suspicions. The problem with looking over your shoulder constantly is that everything starts to look a little bit like a threat. I won’t trust anyone until I know all the people I love are safe.

Dominic and I let the conversation drop as we take our place among the other new shifters that have arrived. They all look a hell of a lot more nervous than Paxton, and they’re not even the ones fighting.

A hush falls over the crowd as Bryant tells both men to take their positions.

When the fight actually starts, there’s almost not enough time to wrap my mind about what I see. Paxton moves at Oren so fast that Oren can’t even get a hit in. Paxton whales on him over and over, and Oren crumples under the assault. The way Paxton moves… no one would ever even see him coming.

Dominic and I exchange a worried glance. Paxton Glass sure as hell doesn’t fight like a rookie.

“Alpha?” Luca’s voice unexpectedly crops up from behind us. I turn, but Dominic is quick to block my body with his.

“What is it?” my mate snaps.

Dominic can barely stand to have Luca within eyesight of me. Jealous asshole. In six weeks, Luca hasn’t once been inappropriate. And even before that, he respected my space the second he realized that Dominic was trying to lay claim to me. Dominic is going to have to learn to back off eventually if he’s going to maintain a good working relationship with his Beta.

There’s silence for a moment, so I peer around Dominic in an attempt to see what’s going on. The air feels suffocating all of a sudden. Luca’s gaze is immediately drawn to mine. As if he was waiting for my full attention.

For a second, my heart stops when I see the grimace on his face. My first thought is something has happened to Morgan. He averts his gaze before he speaks again, loudly enough this time that everyone around us hears his announcement too…

“A new Luna Sovereign has been chosen.”

To be continued in Tasha’s storyDue North.
