Page 44 of Cupid's Pack

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I hate that the way he calls me Cupid comes off sounding so snide. It shouldn’t be an insult. I’m proud to come from Cupid’s Pack. I’m not that fond of him referring to the guys as my fan club either.

“You’re just jealous,” I taunt.

“Jealous? Of what?” He gets a mean smirk that makes me want to hit him, so I do. He doesn’t bother dodging the hit to his side. It doesn’t even come close to slowing him down.

“Jealous that tonight I’m going to take all three members of myfan clubback to my cabin and let them have what you can’t.” I drop my arms, no longer interested in fighting physically. If he wants to fight with words, then so be it.

Sailor’s jaw tightens.

I take a step toward him and run my finger down his bare chest, making him flinch. “Maybe I’ll bend over the bed for them and try to guess whose di—”

Sailor grabs a fistful of my hair and jerks me forward, swallowing my words as he plants his mouth angrily over mine. I gasp against him, and he takes full advantage. His tongue sweeps across the inside of my mouth, hot and demanding.

He puts his other hand on my lower back and jerks me against him, holding me in place as he ravages my mouth.

There’s nothing but silence as he gives me the most punishing kiss of my life. I’m too stunned to respond properly.

Then someone clears their throat, and it’s enough to break through the haze. Sailor tears himself away from me so fast that I stumble a step before catching my balance.

“I’m done.” He spits the words at my feet and storms off. I’m not stupid enough to consider going after him.



I didn’t come this far to be ruined by a woman and a fucking rock.

I have plans. Goals. And none of them involve tasting Quinn Cassidy on my lips as I storm through the center of Otto’s training grounds. How does a person manage to taste like fresh air? I’m not sure I knew what it felt like to take a deep breath until I tasted her.

How fucked up is that?

“You good?” a fighter asks me as I storm past. I don’t know his name, and I don’t acknowledge him.

I have a shit reputation here, but I’m not interested in making friends. I have too much shit to do—too much training to master in order to meet my goals. Axis is a means to an end. I have no one to impress here.

Except Quinn Cassidy,my wolf whispers in the back of my mind.

The fucked-up thing is it’s the first thing my wolf has said to me in months. Unless I’m in wolf form, my wolf and I haven’t been communicating. Not after our disagreement about how to handle what happened with my pack.

I groan and drag my hand over my face. If I could just erase that look on Quinn’s face before I stormed away, I think I would be alright.

But no, that hurt in her eyes plays on repeat in my mind, punching me in the goddamn gut over and over again.

Why did she have to show up here? Why fucking now? She could have shown up in my life a year from now once I have my pack back, and maybe then I would feel ready for the way the first sight of her knocked me on my ass.

Even before I held her weird, glowing rock and felt our bond settle in my chest like a lightning bolt straight into my heart, I knew there was something about her. It shouldn’t matter, though, not when my heart’s been like a block of ice sitting square in the cavity of my chest for a long time—and I can’t afford to thaw. Not right now. Not when I’m so close to getting what I want that I can practically fucking taste it.

There’s only one place that calms me down when I get stuck in my head. I go straight to the gym, the smaller of the two we have here. The same one Quinn K.O.’d me in the night before. I can feel the scowl settling over my face as I storm inside.

The second I walk in, the two men already in the gym clear out. I might have built a reputation here for my temper. When I first showed up, I kicked the ass of everyone that Otto put in the circle with me. No mercy. But I worked most of the extra aggression out eventually.

I take up a position next to my favorite hanging punching bag, and I whale on it until my knuckles split open on one hand.

“How many times do I have to tell you to put some gloves on before you do that?” Otto’s disapproval sweeps into the room ahead of him, reversing how much the hits have helped cool the anger simmering just below the surface. My guard instantly goes up again.

I like the infamous trainer, but he’s so damn nosy.

“I don’t need a therapy session,” I mutter. I already know that’s why he’s here. I don’t know why he insists on trying to get me talking when he doesn’t seem to bug the shit out of anyone else the same way.
