Page 100 of Stay for Forever

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“Just watch and all will be revealed,” she sings.

Winter Falls is known for pulling hijinks, but usually I’m in on it. I don’t enjoy being left out. Plus, it’s never a good sign when you’re the one left out. I eye the emergency exit. Can I make it there before I’m tackled by my sisters if I need to escape?

“The only thing revealed thus far is I don’t like you very much right now,” I grumble.

A screen rolls down from the ceiling. “When did we get a screen in the town hall?”

“When we struck it rich after we found the bandit’s loot,” Ashlyn answers from the front of the room.

We haven’t maneuvered all the legalities of the found money yet and she’s already spending it. I pity whoever takes the mayor position over from her next year.

“Roll the film!”

Wait. Roll the film? It’s not movie night. And movie night is at the library where the seats are more comfortable. And I’m in charge of movie night. I try to stand but Aspen and Ellery grab my arms to hold me down. So much for making it to the emergency exit.

“You need to watch this,” Aspen says.

“You really need to watch this,” Ellery agrees.

I slump in my chair. “Whatever.”

The screen lights up and the opening credits for The Breakfast Show begin. “Are we watching the morning news?”

This is getting weirder and weirder.

“Just wait,” Ashlyn says as she sits in our row and passes out beers.

“What are you doing? You’re pregnant and Ellery’s breastfeeding. I think we can do without the beer.”

“I could use a beer,” Lilac mutters as she places the bottle to her lips and drinks.

“What’s going on with her?” I whisper my question to Aspen.

“Nope. You first. We’ll deal with Lilac later.”

“Me? I don’t have any issues.” Damn. I should have tried harder to escape.

Ellery snorts. “Uh-huh. Wasn’t it you who admitted not more than five minutes ago you’re worried about having children with a movie star?”

This is why I prefer animals to humans. Animals don’t talk back. They shed a shit ton and need to be let out at all times of the day and night, but they don’t talk back.

“Fast forward to the good part,” Sage orders from the back of the room.

Oh boy. If Sage knows what the good part is, I’m pretty certain I won’t enjoy whatever I’m about to watch.

“You’re going to love this,” Aspen says as if she can read my mind.

Maybe I could use a beer, too. I take a fortifying drink.

“Stop! This is it!” Ashlyn shouts, and the show begins again.

A male and female host – I have no idea what their names are since I don’t usually watch this show unless Mav is on it – are smiling at the camera before the woman announces, “Joining us today is our favorite romantic comedy star. None other than Maverick Langston.”

I frown. Mav didn’t tell me he was in New York today. But yet there he is, strutting onto the set with his Hollywood smile secure on his face.

“He’s here to talk about his upcoming movie with Quinn Wilder.”

His smile drops as he sits down across from the hosts of the show.
