Page 17 of Stay for Forever

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“Does everyone in town know?” I whisper my question once he leaves.

“Yep.” Cole opens his arms wide. “Welcome to small town living. It takes a bit to get used to.”

“You’re not from here?” I ask in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

“Nice try,” Lyric says. He fills a glass with beer and slides it across the table to me. “You’re not getting out of this discussion.”

“Exactly. If we can’t kidnap you, we can at least interrogate you.”

“What is your obsession with kidnapping me?” I ask Cole.

“It’s only fair since they.” He motions toward Rowan and Lyric. “Kidnapped me after it came out I got Ellery pregnant.”

“Stop being a wuss. We didn’t harm you.”

Cole’s eyes widen at Lyric’s statement. “What do you call pouring a bucket of freezing cold water over me?”

“A friendly warning.”

His nostrils flare as he glares at Lyric. “I didn’t need a warning. The second the word pregnant fell from Ellery’s lips, I wasn’t ever going to let her go.”

“We needed to be certain.”

Cole motions to me. “And how are we going to make certain Maverick is what Juniper wants and needs?”

Lyric shrugs. “Ask him.”

Cole doesn’t miss a beat. “How are you going to show Juniper you’re serious?”

I hold up my hands as I shake my head. “Nuh-uh. No way. I’m not taking advice from any other Winter Falls residents. The last time I did, I ended up hurting Juniper’s feelings.”

Rowan laughs. “You should know better than to listen to advice from the Gossip Gals.”

“I didn’t even know who the Gossip Gals were and all of sudden they were sitting at a table with me telling me to make a grand gesture.” I shiver.

Lyric smirks. “You can’t deny grand gestures work.”

“True.” Rowan nods in agreement. “We all got a West sister by pulling off a grand gesture.”

This town is obsessed with grand gestures. “Your advice is I make some kind of grand gesture?”

“No way. It’s too early. Juniper isn’t even talking to you. Any gesture you make now will be a waste,” Cole explains.

“Exactly,” Lyric agrees. “You need to get her to talk to you first.”

“And how do I accomplish that?” I ask.

Lyric grins. “Leave it to us.”

Since I don’t have any better ideas, I agree. “Okay, but I won’t be parading around town in my underwear with my chest all greased up.”

Lyric smirks. “Don’t worry. No underwear will be involved.”

His reassurance is not putting me at ease whatsoever, but he knows Juniper and this town. It can’t hurt to listen to him. Things between Juniper and I couldn’t get any worse than they currently are.

My heart burns at the thought and I reach up to rub my chest. I hurt her bad, and I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me. But I’m not going to rest until she at least gives me the chance to properly apologize for being a complete ass.

After which, it’s game on.
