Page 33 of Stay for Forever

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Chapter 12

I bought a dog from a blacksmith. When I got him home, he made a bolt for the door.

I’m dragging as I lay my bike against the fence at the Wildlife Refuge a week later. I haven’t slept well since Mav rolled into town, but after confronting him at the hospital and being reminded of everything I can never have, sleep has disappeared. I can barely remember how well-rested feels.

I groan when I scan the area and notice Mav’s car in the parking lot. What now? Do I not deserve a clean break?

As much as I’d prefer to turn around and pedal my butt on home, I better go figure out what he’s up to. After the last time he visited, it took me forever to settle the capybaras. Although, I’ll accept the extra work any day of the week to watch Mav fall into their swimming pool and flail around in fear of being bitten by the rodents who are, for the most part, harmless. Now there’s a video someone would pay a ton of money for.

I open the gates of the refuge and go in search of Mav. He’s not in the miniature pig enclosure. He isn’t goofing around with the llamas. I don’t bother checking the capybara area. I think he learned his lesson there.

I’m surprised to discover him in the fennec fox fenced-in area. If you aren’t familiar with fennec foxes, let me tell you, they are the cutest fox in existence. They have these adorable oversized pointy ears, bushy tails, and they’re fluffy. It’s no wonder people think they’ll make a good pet.

Spoiler alert – no exotic animals make good pets. Fennec foxes act as if they’ve just shot five espressos. Seriously. Their energy levels are out of this world. Also, they can never be truly potty trained and need companionship.

Despite the warnings, Hollywood stars buy the foxes for their children as if they aren’t wild animals in need of specialized care. When the parents realize the care required or – more probable – when the fox eats one of their Bentley sofas, the poor fox gets shipped off to me at the Wildlife Refuge.

“What are you doing?” I holler to Mav.

He stands and twirls around. “I’m replenishing their water supply.” He holds up a water bottle.

Dang. I can’t be mean to him when he’s being helpful.

“I meant, what are you doing here?” Apparently, I lied. I can be mean.

“I’m helping you out. I didn’t realize how much work it is for you to care for these animals every day.”

Helping me out? He disappears for days and re-fills one water tray and suddenly he’s Mr. Helpful? Sell it to another woman ‘cuz I ain’t buying.

I fist my hands on my hips. “And now you do realize how much work it is?”

I wouldn’t call it work. For me, caring for these animals is a labor of love. Animals are easy. You give them food, water, and attention, and they love you forever. Humans? You can give them all the attention in the world, and they still won’t love you in the morning.

“I’ve spent the past week learning how to care for the animals here in the refuge.”

He has? I raise an eyebrow. “What did you do? Watch YouTube videos?”

I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. You cannot learn everything on the Internet. There are some jobs you need to attend actual college classes for. No video can replace class lectures and studying in my opinion.

“I spent a week shadowing Dr. Skinner.”

My eyes widen in surprise. Dr. Skinner is the wildlife veterinarian connected to the refuge.

“He asked how you are. Multiple times in fact. He likes you.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course, he likes me. The Wildlife Refuge is his biggest client.”

Mav snorts. “No, he likes you as in he wants you. I bet he’s asked you out.” I glance away, and he growls. “Have you dated?”

Oh no, he didn’t. “Are you accusing me of dating someone? Where do you get off? I’m not the one who kissed other people while we were supposedly in a relationship.”

“There’s no supposedly about it. We were in a relationship.”

“Did Quinn Wilder know you were in a relationship?”

He rears back as if I slapped him, but I don’t want to talk about ‘us’ – there is no us – or his transgression.

“I’ve never dated Dr. Skinner. His past doesn’t exactly instill confidence. He’s on divorce number three.”
