Page 46 of The Night Hunting

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“No!” Roman stepped between us.

I hesitated. What the hell was he doing? How was he alive? “Shut the fuck up, Roman!” I would deal with him later.

Ivy and Ariella’s fight crossed over ours, their dark and light magic firing at all angles, and most of it exploding against the cavern’s walls. Each time, the mountain shook a little.

I rushed past Ivy and Ariella, and looked at Raika, my hands up, my palms out. “Raika, I don’t know what is going on, but—”

Roman growled. He grabbed her wrist and ran with her toward one of the tunnels.

The mountain shook again, a lot harder than before, and began to fall.

“Watch out!” someone yelled.

I didn’t think. I ran after Raika and Roman. Bigger rocks fell. Shit, this would be bad. I caught up with them as they reached the mouth of a tunnel. With all my strength, I dove at Raika as a smaller rock fell right on top of her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pushed us farther inside the tunnel. The flashlight she was holding fell from her hands.

In midair, I did my best to turn us around, but there was no time. We landed hard on the rough ground, on our sides.

A moment later, the mountain stopped shaking and the rock stopped falling.

I sat up. I couldn’t see anything since it was dark, but I could feel Raika’s body still half over me.

“Here,” I said, holding her arm to help her sit up, but she didn’t come with me. “Raika?” I called. No answer. Panic bloomed in my chest. No, no, not again. By the moon, I couldn’t take this.

I patted down the ground beside us, making sure it wasn’t too rough, then I gently rolled her off me and laid her down. I scurried away, running my hands on the ground, searching for the flashlight Raika had been holding before.

I found the flashlight and turned it on. Light illuminated what was once the tunnel’s entrance—it was now covered by giant boulders.


Then I scooted back to Raika and pointed the flashlight to her. I panicked for a second, when I saw the blood trickling along her pretty face, but then her chest moved up and down, and relief washed over me.

She had fainted, thank the moon.

I pointed the flashlight to her head. There was a nasty scratch right on her hairline, probably where that small stone fell, and that was what knocked her out. I examined the scratch and decided it was a little worse than I first thought. If she didn’t have wolf healing, she would've needed a stitch or two to close it.

I moved the flashlight along Raika’s body to make sure she was all right. She had a few scrapes along her arm, her pants were ripped on the side, but that was it.

I returned the flashlight to her face.

She put a hand over her eyes. “Turn that thing away.”



That damn lightin my head. Oh, my head. I brought the hand shielding my eyes to my head and winced in pain when I touched something wet.

The man averted the flashlight. “Careful.”

I frowned. Who was he? I stared at him in the dim light coming from the flashlight, and something in me stirred. Something I didn’t understand, something I had no name for, but something full, and strong, and pure. It was a force to be reckoned with and it made me breathless.

This something tugged at my chest, as if it had cast a line and now it had caught a fish.

I stared at this man.

He was a stranger. I had never seen him before. And yet there was something about him. He was handsome, I had to give him that. He had light bronze skin, broad shoulders that stretched the fabric of his shirt, dark hair that framed a beautifully set face with dark eyes, high cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and sharp chin and jaw.
