Page 82 of The Renegade

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“I… Yes. That’s right.”

“If you need to get out of here, I’d be glad to help.”

I went for Ghost again, but this time he blocked me.

“Stop!” Jacob shouted. He rose and moved toward me. Rogue and Rhys flanked him instantly, and TJ stood at his back. “I do not need your help. Rogue rescued me, and Grant… gave me a home.”

The tightness in my chest loosened. He thought of the ranch as home.

Ghost held up his hands in surrender. “All right. Now I believe you.”

“You’d better.”

Fierce Jacob was so fucking hot, but I needed him to know that he didn’t have to fight anymore. I was there for him.

“Come on.” Rhys tugged on Jacob’s arm, encouraging him to sit back down, but he shook his head.

“Evan needs psychiatric help. When he told me why he was really here, he was… unhinged.”

Ghost looked to me for confirmation.

“If Jacob says he’s unhinged, then he is. You don’t need my approval.”

“The guy is nuts,” TJ said. “You can’t just dump him in WITSEC and think that’s going to fly.”

Ghost exhaled and rubbed his forehead. “I knew this meeting was going to give me a fucking headache.”

“You’re damn lucky if you get out of here with nothing worse than that. Of all the places you could have landed, why the fucking FBI?”

“You’re running a criminal operation, and you’re scoffing at me for joining the feds?”

“Damn right I am. I can’t believe you fell for one of their lame recruitment speeches.”

“You think that’s what happened? Me falling for the propaganda?”

I exhaled. “I don’t fucking know.”

“How did you end up here?”

His change of subject threw me. “I grew up here.”

He glared at me. “You know what I mean.”

“A series of unfortunate but necessary choices.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, me too.”

“I’m not giving you information on my clients.”

“Would you consider an exchange of information? There are things you need to know and things that would help me in an investigation. I won’t ask for anything that will put your clients in danger.”

“Are you saying none of us are in danger from you now?”

“From me? No. From my superiors? We’re working on that.”


He frowned. “You do know one of X’s top agents is former FBI?”
