Page 28 of Faerie Magic

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Abluebird landed on my windowsill, beckoning from outside my prison walls, and I couldn’t help but stifle a sardonic laugh at the sight.

“Am I some fair maiden now?” I asked the beautiful white-breasted creature. “Are you here to rescue me, little bird?”

The chipper reply gave me cause to snort again before the bird settled to the side, hopping a few paces along the edge.

I leaned forward on my hand and watched the pretty thing stare at the big wide world. The beauty of this land was breathtaking. The enchantment was obvious, and yet my only view was whatever could be seen from this window. Perhaps I was simply seeing what the powers that be wanted me to see.

“They certainly don’t want us out and about right now, do they?”

The bird looked at me and cocked its head to the side. Is he listening to me? No, I shook my head. This mini lockdown was getting to me.

Since that day in the dining hall, most of us had been sequestered to our rooms more than half of the day each and every day, if not more.

I sighed and drummed my fingers on the windowsill. “Happy Birthday to me I guess,” I said.

The bird chirped. Truth be told, if I had just been able to roam the castle, it would have been the best birthday I’d ever had. I was never one for celebrating. That’s what usually happens with no money, and no family who cares about your special day.

The palace was the nicest place I’d ever been. My stomach was full, the only responsibility I had was feeding a prince, and I hadn’t even had to do that yet. And I was learning how to fight. The only downside was the newest threat of a spy.

“It’s sort of exciting though, right? A spy?” I asked the bird as he hopped closer to me. “Intrigue and danger,” I chuckled as the bird continued to appear to listen to me.

I frowned at the little thing, and he bowed his head and cooed once.

Strange beast, I thought

A throat cleared from behind me, and I jumped back from my seated position.

“Don’t let someone else catch you saying a spy is exciting.”

Prince Noah.

“Your Majesty, I-I,” I bowed my head. “I didn’t mean exciting like it was okay.” My heart thudded in my chest so hard I thought I might keel over.

Prince Noah held up his hands and laughed. “I’m not concerned. You’re with me far too often, and I’ve kept watch over you whenever you step out of this room.”

I squirmed at the comment, unsure whether it was to comfort me or warn me.

“Did you need blood, Your Majesty?” I asked, desperate to change the conversation somehow.

Noah cleared his throat and shook his head. “Noah, Cora, please. And no, I’m fine. I came to tell you that training is cancelled today. Captain Coltrain has been called away on urgent business.” He took a few steps toward the window and held out his finger.

The traitor bluebird, whom I imagined to be my friend, nuzzled it.

I raised my gaze, letting the nervousness over what the prince had heard simmer away. The bird chirped once and I watched in awe at the ease and normalcy of the interaction.

Noah hadn’t spoken another word, and I didn’t want to interrupt his thoughts. That would just make him realize he’d delivered his news and he’d be on his way. Having another presence in the room was nice. More than nice at this point. Time with Noah, training, and eating was the only time out of the room I had. No training meant I was stuck in here for longer. I chewed on my lip, wondering how I’d pass the day now.

“And here I thought he was my special friend,” I said, making small talk as the bird raised its eyes to me.

Prince Noah chuckled. “Well, please don’t let me come between you and time with your friend.” He hesitated but bowed his head as if he was leaving.

“Your Majes—” I paused as Noah raised an eyebrow at my voice. “Noah,” I corrected. “Would it be too much trouble to ask if I could perhaps walk outside for a little while?”

Noah glanced back out the window and sighed. “Yes, unfortunately I can’t let you do that.” Then he shifted his gaze to me, his eyes somehow appearing brighter. “But being the prince, I can do that. And if you’re with me, then you’re all set.”

A smile spread over his lips and I caught myself before I returned the grin back too largely. Prince Noah’s playful tone caught me off guard sometimes, and it was hard to remember there was a strict hierarchy here. I needed to be his friend if I wanted help getting home, yes. But I also needed to keep my walls up. They served me well enough in the past to get me this far, and they were all I had to rely on here, even if I was getting comfortable in his presence.
