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"What celebration?" my father asked as he glanced between me and my mother.

I quickly proceeded to tell him everything Alessandro was planning, including the bit about Grand Prince Visconti giving his support. By the time I was done, my father's jaw was hanging down to his chest and his eyes were the size of dinner plates.

"He's really going to do that?" my father asked.

I nodded. "He is."

"But why?"

"Basically, because it would make me happy." That was my conclusion anyway. "He also wants to make up for what he did when we first met and he took Pierre away from you. He didn't realize at the time what he was doing. Now that he does, he wants to make up for that."

"But..." My father's brow furrowed. "Supporting us could cause him a lot of trouble. People won't understand it. That's why we've had to do things like this all of these years. People believe the life Pierre and I want together is wrong. If the prince supports us publicly, they are going to be really upset with him."

I snorted. "I dare anyone to argue with that man."

He'd rip their heads off.

"Tell him, René," my father said. "His apology was enough. Just thinking of doing something like this is enough. I don't want him to jeopardize his position because he feels he has to apologize to us. Tell him!"

I shook my head. "Nope."


"No, Father. Alessandro is doing this because it's the right thing to do. You, Pierre, and Mother all have the right to live your lives as you see fit. The families, the clans, and everyone else don't have the right to take that away from you because of some outdated belief that only males and females can be mated."

"René," my mother said, "you need to understand, part of the reason we live the way we do is for you. If the truth came out, there's no telling what people would try to do to you. You could be banished from the clans or—"

My mother stopped speaking so suddenly, I leaned forward to make sure she was okay. "Mother?"

"That's why he's doing this," she whispered.

"That's why who is doing what, my dear?" Armando asked.

"Prince Vitali," she said. "That's why he has invited Grand Prince Visconti to the mating celebration. If both princes openly support us, then anyone that tries to go after René for this would be in direct violation of what the princes want."

My father frowned, looking completely clueless. "What?"

"He's not only taking away the ammunition, he's taking away the gun."

I chuckled as I tapped my nose and then pointed at my mother. "You finally understand."

"Can you explain it to the clueless?" my father asked. "Because I am totally lost."

"If Alessandro and Grand Prince Visconti both publicly accept your mating to Pierre and support us, then anyone that tries to harm any of us or banish us because of how we live would not only be going against Alessandro but Grand Prince Visconti, and they would be in a lot of trouble."

I actually hoped my mother's family tried something to set Grand Prince Visconti off. I would love to see them get what they had coming to them.

Karma could be a real bitch.

Chapter Seventeen

~ Alessandro ~

I held tight to René's hand as we came in for a landing. It wasn't that I was afraid of flying. I flew all over the world on a pretty regular basis. I just liked holding my mate's hand. Plus, he seemed a little nervous. I wasn't sure if it was because we were landing or if it came from the coming confrontation with Benito.


I was going to strangle that man. Whatever gave him the impression that he had a right to do what he did? And thinking he was in charge of my estate was just idiotic. I had never put that man in charge. He was my butler and nothing more.
