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Summer, talk to me.

I can explain what happened.

Don’t shut me out.

I’d never do anything to hurt you.

On and on it went. He tried to reach out to me so many times before finally giving up. It was astonishing that he wasn’t done with me after all of that. But instead of writing me off as a lost cause, he was determined to get back on my good side.

Did I even deserve him?

I wasn’t sure about anything right now, except my desire to talk to him again. So, I typed out a text message and took a seat on a couch in the lobby, waiting for his answer.



The work retreat was coming to an end soon, and I wasn’t nearly ready to leave the island. Last night with Summer had been an eye-opening experience, a total game-changer. But things weren’t solid between us yet. I needed to know that she was officially my girl before going back home.

My coworkers were gathered in front of the hotel, prepared to head out to go ziplining. I was the last to join them today, and Keith had arranged for a shuttle to take us all to the location of the activity. It pulled up and I joined the others as they lined up, but before I boarded the vehicle, my phone dinged with a text message.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I stared for a long moment at Summer’s name on the screen. I hadn’t received a text from her for so long that it felt surreal to get one now. Stepping aside, I opened the message.

Can we meet today? I can come to your hotel.

I knew that I should go out with my coworkers and participate in the team building exercise. It was the reason that we were here. But Summer wanting to see me felt like a miracle, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. This felt like my last chance to make her mine.

“Levi, you coming?”

I turned at the sound of Keith’s voice, and the moment our eyes met, I knew that I was going to lie to him. I shoved all feelings of guilt into the back of my mind as I spoke.

“You know what? I’m not feeling well today.” I placed my hand on my stomach to indicate that I was nauseous. “Could have been something I ate. Maybe you guys should go without me today. I just want to lie down.”

It was a harmless lie, I told myself. He’d never find out.

“Okay,” he replied with a shrug, and his easy trust in me made me hesitate. I hated to betray that trust, but it was too late to take back the words. “Just call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

Watching my coworkers leave, I kept my phone in my hand until the shuttle was out of sight. Then, I sent a message to Summer with the name of my hotel, telling her I’d be waiting.

She arrived ten minutes later. I was in the lobby of my hotel, sitting near the door, so I saw her the moment she walked in. My pulse raced as I took in the sight of her in a low-cut blue shirt and tiny shorts that showed off her legs. Her dark hair was braided down her back, exposing her long neck, and a smile lit up her face when she spotted me.

She was gorgeous.

Desire surged through me, and I wanted to take her up to my room for a repeat of last night, but I knew that I had a limited time to reconnect with her on a deeper level. I needed to take advantage of this opportunity to spend quality time with her.

“Hey,” she said as she reached me. I stood and reached out to tuck a wispy strand of hair behind her ear. “I was hoping we could talk.”

“Do you want to go for a walk?” I asked. “Maybe along the beach?”

She bit her lip, looking nervous. “Um...I’m not so sure about that. I don’t want anyone to see us. My family…”

I nodded, trying not to let her see that it hurt my feelings. It wasn’t her fault that her family hated me.

“We should definitely avoid the beach then,” I said. “How about we go do something fun together, like we used to?”

“What do you have in mind?”
